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Mojo Monday Week #41

Hey Everyone! This week I've got a simpler sketch for you. I actually designed it for an ATC swap that I've been working on, but modified it a little for a standard card. So, if you're an ATC maker, feel free to do an ATC and if you're a cardmaker, make it a card. :) And if you're a scrapbooker, it probably would work with a few modifications, too.

As always, you're free to use any stamps you like and use the sketch as inspiration to jump start your inner mojo. Here's the drill... if you make a card with the sketch, just link me up in the comments of this post so I can come check out your creation. If you've got your link to me by Sunday at 8 PM Mountain time (6 PM ET), I'll include it in the slide show next Monday. If you happen to upload to SCS, please use keyword Mojo41 so we can see everyone's mojoliciousness all in one happy place.

Hope everyone has an awesomely creative week! I'm not sure when I'll get a sample made. I don't want to show the world my ATC yet, since the girls in the group should get first peek, and the contents of my craft room is all still in boxes.


Jennifer Meyer said...

Great sketch Julee, can't wait to play a little later this week.

Jennifer :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh...pretty! I'm crossing my fingers that I get to play this week!

Anonymous said...

Great sketch! I hope to play soon, thanks Julee! Stacy Twinshappy SCS

Tina said...

Great Sketch!!!

Here is my idea:


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you Julee for yet another inspiring sketches.
I have started from #1 and am currently working my way through them all.
Here my card for this weeks though

Roll on next monday

Anonymous said...

Here is mine Twinshappy:


Libby Hickson said...

Hooray! I played! Fun sketch Julee, thanks!!

Anonymous said...

This was another great sketch. Here's my card for the challenge. ~Dannie

Linda Nicholson said...

Great sketch Julee! Can't wait to see the ATC that goes along with it *wink wink*!

I'm hoping that I'll get to play in your sketches again soon!


Karen Giron said...

Hi Julee! I loved this sketch - thanks so much!!

Here is my card:

Anonymous said...

thanks Julee for another wonderful sketch, hee is mine:


Lisa Kind said...

Oh, Julee, I love this sketch! I hope I have some time to do something with it, but I don't think that will happen! I'll have to save it for another day!

JenMarie said...

Lovin' this sketch!!

Cindy Haffner said...

Julle thanks for the great sketch here is mine. http://cindyhaffnerscorner.blogspot.com/2008/06/mojo-41.html

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I tried a little Mojo Monday ... here's mine:


Bridget said...

Thanks for the great sketch!! I had so much fun creating with it!! Here is my card...


Kerri Brandon said...

Well, i'm hooked! I had to come and play again! Here's what I came up with.
Thanks Julee!

Nancy Riley said...

Fantastic sketch, Julee! I made two cards using this sketch!

On my blog, iSTAMP: http://stampinat6213.blogspot.com/2008/06/two-mojo-mondays.html

On SCS: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/942273?limit=last1



Latisha said...

Great Sketch...I'm off to find my mojo and create lol >"<

Laurel said...

A great sketch. I didn't fancy this one up too much as these ladies from American Art Stamp just don't need it!

on my blog: www.want2scrap.blogspot.com

on SCS

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this sketch, Julee. Thanks for posting! Here's mine:


Denise Marzec said...

AWESOME sketch, Julee, thank you!!

Here's mine: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/942454?cat=12785

Anonymous said...

Hi Julee, I'm new to the Mojo Monday challenge but it looks fun. Thanks for the inspiration. Here's my card: http://stampupwithwendy.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/office-accoutrementmojo-41/

Molly B said...

This was fun. Thanks.
-Molly B

Tanya said...

Thanks, this was fun! Here's mine: http://tanyastampsnthings.blogspot.com/2008/06/mojo-monday.html

Dawn Easton said...

Fabulous sketch Julee! I made this one earlier today and will make another soon...when I got home, some of my Verve Stamps arrived...yippee!

Here is my card on SCS:

Lisa Nagata said...

Great Sketch Julee.

Here's mine

Janette said...

thanks for the great sketch Julee. You can see mine on my blog:


Jamie Martin said...

Hi Julee, love this sketch! Here is the link to my card :)


Anonymous said...

Julee - this was a fun sketch!!!
You can find my card right here


Thanks for keeping my on my toes - LOL!!! Have a great week!!!

Lori said...

Hi Julee!!! I have admired your sketches for a while now and finally decided to participate!! What a great challenge!!! Here is my card: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/943217?cat=7268

Or my blog: http://smilingwhilestamping.blogspot.com/

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

My first try at your sketch! Thank you for such great inspiration!


Larissa said...

Thanks for the great sketch! You can see my card here.

Thanks for looking!,

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

I really like this sketch a lot, Julee! Thanks for the challenge. Here is my mojo41 card: http://thimblesbobbinspaperandink.blogspot.com/2008/06/sweet-mojo41.html

Erica Payne said...

I've got one uploading now to my blog.

Kimberly said...

Fabulous sketch. Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!


Jennifer Meyer said...

Hi Julee, thanks for the fun sketch.

Here is my card:

Have a great week, Jennifer :)

Estivalia said...

great sketch, Julee! :) Here's my card:

Denise C said...

My 2nd sketch ever!! Here is my card:


Thanks, Denise

Carol said...

Hi Julee, I'm a first time player with your challenge.
Thank you so much - it was fun. Here is my entry:


riggy said...

Love working with this sketch. Thanks Julee for the greatly needed inspiration. Here is my card.

Regan said...

Love your sketches- heres mine!!


Gloria said...

Thanks for the great sketch. I made this from a kit that was sent to me. Here is the link to my card.

Stampin'Piper said...

Great Sketch! Here is my Card:


Liz's Lovelies said...

Here's my card using the great sketch for this week.
thanks, liz

Liz's Lovelies said...

sorry I forgot this

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration!
Here's mine:

Manna said...

This is a lot of fun! Thanks, Julee! My card is here.

Rach said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rach said...

thanks for the sketch, great inspiration.

here is my card
hugs Rach.x

Anonymous said...

This was an awesome sketch!!! Here' my card

Anonymous said...

Love the sketch! Here is my take!

dj said...

what a fun sketch--this is my first time playing! thanks Julee for providing us this sketch

dj said...

I forgot to give the addy of my card--here it is:

Cecilia said...

Here is my card to challenge!


Beverley said...

Hi Julee, thanks for the great inspiration this is my first ever entry for your mojo mondays!


Liz said...

I really enjoyed this sketch!

My card is here.


Manna said...

Here's my feminine card for the sketch! Hope you like!

Trish D said...

Great sketch! I changed it up a bit to come up with this father's day card: http://trish-d.blogspot.com/2008/06/for-my-hubby.html

inkedx2 said...

Love the sketch. Here is my card.



Anonymous said...

Fun sketch, Julee! Here's my card: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/946159?cat=7195

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

LOVE your sketches, Julee! So glad I got to play this time! http://oodabugalley.blogspot.com/2008/06/youre-amazing.html

Enjoli said...

I ♥ the sketch! Here's mine!


Katherine (beadfreak22) said...

Another great sketch, Julee! Here is my card: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/946896?nocache=1

Paper and Glue said...

Julee loved this sketch THANKS. Here is my card http://paperanglue.blogspot.com/2008/06/monday-mojo-challenge-week-41.html


Anonymous said...

Fun sketch Julee! Here is my card:

Lori said...

Fun sketch, Julee! Here's my version: http://inkingaloud.blogspot.com/2008/06/cupcakes-anyone.html

Marie said...

This is going to be a sketch that I use many more times. It has so many possibilities!! Love it, Julee, and I even got to use my VV stamps that I just got. Thanks!!


Melissa said...

I really liked this sketch! Here's mine:


Anonymous said...

voici ma participation : ttp://scrapdebo.canalblog.com/


Tammy Hershberger said...

Six days late but here's my card! Fun sketch, Julee! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Nothing like waiting til the last minute!!! Here's my go...

Deanne Clarke said...

I know I'm super late with this, but the sketch was so inspiring!
You can find my card at:


It's called "Wish"

Stephanie Hargis said...

What a fun sketch Julee! I loved it! Here is my card:


land of ahz said...

hi julee, i put my card for mojo41 on splitcoast and on my blog
i know i am a little late but i couldnt figure out how to leave a comment. guess i just didnt scroll down the page far enough. jeepers i gotta worry about my brain somedays!!!thanks for a super great sketch, looking forward to the next one. hugs candy