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Mojo Monday Week #40 - Mojo Madness

It's the first Monday in JUNE, and that means it's time for another Mojo Madness Contest! To participate, just make a card using this sketch and leave a comment on this post with a link to your project by Sunday, June 8 at 6 PM Mountain Time (There's a clock on the sidebar with the official Poetic Artistry time). Once all the entries are in, I'll pick the TWO entries that I think are the mojo-est of them all. Those two winners will each receive their choice of ANY Verve stamp set! Sound like fun? Well, let's get started! If you upload your cards to SCS, please use keyword Mojo40 (no space between Mojo and 40) so we can see them in one place. As always, you can use any stamps or products your heart desires. Although the sketch is meant purely as inspiration, if you're hoping to be crowned the mojoest of them all, remember to stay as true to the sketch as possible.

I didn't have a chance to stamp this weekend, so hopefully I'll be back later with my sample card.

And here's the slideshow with all of last week's mojolicious creations:

NOTE: If you get a message that says no photos found, please hit the refresh button on your browser or the F5 function key on your keyboard, and hopefully it will reload with the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Great sketch Julee. Can't wait to play, it looks like a lot of fun!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh a complicated sketch... ooohhhh... Will have to play later Julee. Thanks for posting!

Erica Payne said...

I had a chance to play this morning. It's onn my blog www.ericasartisticattic.blogspot.com

Shannan Teubner said...

What a fun sketch, Julee! I hope I have time to play this week! :)

Lori Rider said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori Rider said...

Oh my goodness, Julee... this was a real challenge, but I was up for it! :)


Anonymous said...

Here is mine Julee. Great sketch once again. Stacy Twinshappy


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fun yet challenging sketch. Here's my card for this challenge. ~Dannie

Cindy Haffner said...

Julee I love your sketches, and i finally did one, hope you like it, love this sketch is was fun.


Cecilia said...

Here is my card.


Thanks for looking!


Manna said...

Another great challenge! My card is here. Your card is beautiful, as always.

Anonymous said...


Christi Flores said...

What an awesome sketch!! Here is my card:

Jess said...

This was a fun one! Here is my take on it.

JenMarie said...

Fun sketch!
Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I loved your card and decided to try the layout! This is my first Mojo sketch, but will definitely try more! Thanks for the great design! Sue (suen)

Anonymous said...

I forgot the link! Sorry about that! Sue (suen)


Liz's Lovelies said...

I made two cards from the sketch.

Tanya said...

Yeah, I didn't like the sqaures either! But here is my card anyway! Thanks!

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Thanks for another great sketch, Julee. This was very challenging but, as always, a lot of fun. My card is here: http://thimblesbobbinspaperandink.blogspot.com/2008/06/roosting.html

Jennifer :)

Unknown said...

REALLY loved this one - switched my smaller circle to the other side because of the stamp i used but here's the link http://pezadoodle.blogspot.com/2008/06/and-countdown-continuesplus-mojo40-card.html - it's also up on SCS

Stefanie said...

Great sketch Julee! I'm so glad I was able to play. Here's mine: http://stampwithstef.blogspot.com/2008/06/birthday-mojo.html

Tina said...

Wowsa, this is a challenging one. Here is my card:

Anonymous said...

Again it took me forever to do this weeks sketch but I finally finished it :) It was a great sketch!


inkedx2 said...

I am so happy to be able to do these sketches again. I missed them while on my trip. Had some great sketches that I will use in my cards. Here is my one for this one.



Anonymous said...

What a great sketch Julee. I had fun doing this - already had somebody in mind to receive it. My card is here.


Anonymous said...

Hooray!! I finished mine card tonight!! You can see it here:

craftyb said...

Hi Julee, another great sketch from you...a more "busy" one this time! Here's what I came up with! bx

Kerri Brandon said...

This is my first try at a sketch challenge!

Stacy said...

I had so much fun with this challenge. Thanks for giving us something to play with!


Amy said...

This one took me a while. But I got to play with my new Filigree Fantasy set, so it's all good! Thanks, Julee!


Smriti said...

Hi Julee, this a beautiful sketch and totally motivated me to make a card. Here's the card that I made.

Tina said...

Great sketch!
Here is my idea


Dawn Easton said...

Thanks Julee for the great sketch! I've loaded mine to SCS

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the sketch. It was fun!

Kerri Brandon said...

Okay, it's my first time doing a sketch challenge. I submitted one already but was not happy with it so here is a new one that I feel is much better...maybe not compared to all of you VERY talented ladies!

Janine said...

This one made me think but I went for vellum too as I didn't want it to be too busy. Here is my card
Thanks Julee.

Lori said...

This sketch was really a challenge! Here's my version: http://inkingaloud.blogspot.com/2008/06/retail-therapy.html

JanTink said...

Here's mine!


Great sketch, as usual!

Anonymous said...

OK, that sketch was HARD for me!! Here's mine (it's the 2nd card on the post). Thanks again Julee!

Jennifer Meyer said...

Beautiful card and sketch Julee, I was happy I made time to play!!!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Here is my card:

Christina said...

I tried your sketch! It looked hard, but after I got started it wasn't bad at all!


(Scroll to second card on post.)

Paper and Glue said...

Hi this is my first challenge I have attempted and how exciting it was. Thank you for the sketch I had so much fun I made two cards wohooo. Can't wait for the next one. THANK YOU.

Here it is: http://paperanglue.blogspot.com/2008/06/my-first-challene-mojo-monday-challenge.html

Lisa Nagata said...

Graet sketch Julee. Wow!! This was a chllenge for me I couldn't decide what to put in the circles.
So here's what I came up with.....
Hope you like.http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/939754?cat=500&ppuser=172201

Thanks for looking.

Terri said...

Thanks for the great sketch. Here is mine. http://terrbear38.blogspot.com/2008/06/mojo-monday-week-40-mojo-madness.html

Tami Grandi said...

Here's my shot at it. I think this is one of the favorite cards that I have ever made! I liked the sketch too! The hardest thing for me was getting the dimensions perfect enough so I would have room for the sentiment.


Janette said...

great sketch Julee. It was a tough one but once I worked it out I am very pleased with how it came out. Here is mine:


Anonymous said...

Hey Julee! I love this sketch. It was a challenge, but I loved doing it. Please visit my blog at http://dsavagelycreated.typepad.comto view my creation. Thanks again for a great sketch

Becky Stewart said...

Hi Julee
Thanks for a really challenging sketch - I really enjoyed playing along and thank you for the opportunity to win some stamps. You can check out my card on my blog

Sears Family said...

I FINALLY got my card done ,for this sketch!! It was tough- but that's why it's called a challenge!And I love what I ended up coming up with! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

hmI loved this sketch! Here is my entry: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/940515?cat=500&ppuser=23147
Sorry, I don't know how to do links in blogger! If that doesn't work, you can also view it at my blog: www.mothersanddaughters.typepad.com
Thanks for the great sketch!

Melissa said...

This was a fun sketch, thank you!

My card is here:


Regan said...

This is my Favorite sketch so far!!

heres my take...


Becky G said...

I know I didn't make the cut off time, but I still wanted to share my card. This is one of favorite layouts so far.

