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Mojo Monday Week #38

Happy Monday Everyone! This week I've got a really fun sketch for you. At least, I think it's fun, because it allows you to use more colors and/or patterns than usual. If you don't have an oval punch, feel free to use another shape or a rectangle, but do try to keep it separated from the main image. I really like how my sample card turned out, but you're going to have to wait a little bit to see it. I'm writing this at 2:30 AM, and am just too tired to blog about it right now. ;) I just wanted to make sure to get the sketch posted so y'all can start your week off right, though.

As always, you're free to use any stamps you like and use the sketch as inspiration to jumpstart your inner mojo. Here's the drill... if you make a card with the sketch, just link me up in the comments of this post so I can come check out your creation. If you've got your link to me by Sunday at 8 PM Mountain time (6 PM ET), I'll include it in the slide show next Monday. If you happen to upload to SCS, please use keyword Mojo38 so we can see everyone's mojoliciousness all in one happy place.

Check out last week's fabulous creations in the slideshow below:

NOTE: If you get a message that says no photos found, please hit the refresh button on your browser or the F5 function key on your keyboard, and hopefully it will reload with the pictures!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited today is Monday. My mojo has flown the coop and I desperately want it back. Hope this helps!!! Thanks!

Cindy Haffner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen Giron said...

Great sketch today Julee! Here's my card http://kgiron.blogspot.com/2008/05/little-cutie.html

Tammy Hershberger said...

Here's my card... great sketch, Julee! My main image ended up being longer and more narrow than your sketch, but I think it passes muster!


I'll upload to my blog later tonight... if I do too many uploads in a day, I get people that unsubscribe because of too many updates! :(

StampOwl said...

another wonderful sketch.... here is mine


Tanya said...

Mine didn't turn out exactly to the sketch, but I enjoyed using it! Thanks!

Jess said...

Thanks again for the great sketch! I finally got to use my new Verve sets!
Here is my card!

Lisa said...

Here's mine! I think the link is working! I did double duty and did the Verve challenge with the mojo sketch!


Becky G said...

Great cards from last weeks sketch! I've missed playing along with your Mojo Mondays. I needed to play along today and that's exactly what I did. You can find my card here.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Stampin hugs, Becky

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:


Thanks Julee

Anonymous said...

Great sketch Julee. Here is mine:


Stacy Twinshappy SCS

Misty said...

Hello there Julee! I think my new Verve sets helped my Mojo this week! Here's my take.

Liz's Lovelies said...

Great sketch Julee.
Here's my card

Cynthia said...

Hey Mine done. Great sketch I had fun with this one. Thanks Cynthia

Lisa Nagata said...

Great sketch Julee.
Here's mine

Bethany Paull said...

Great sketch! I'm going to print it out right now so I may remember to use it. And I love the card you made with it above for the Verve color challenge. The popped up flowers are YUM.

Shannon Erskine aka e3stamper said...

Great sketch Julee! I had fun playing! Heres my card http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/919812?cat=500&ppuser=89875

Tina said...

Great sketch. Here is my card. http://woodedviews.blogspot.com/2008/05/mojo-monday-challenge.html
Thanks for the inspiration!

Angel said...

Hey, I got one done this week! Here ya go: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/920730?cat=500&ppuser=71773

Thanks for checking it out, Julee! Fun sketch!

can't stop stampin' with vicki said...

Thanks Julee for thinking up such great sketches! here's mine and i combine scs color challenge
my blog

Erica Payne said...

Love this sketch. Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

This was another fun sketch Julee! You can see my card here. Thanks for looking! ~Dannie

Beth said...

I love your sketches but have never got round to joining in until now! My card is on my blog, thanks for the inspiration!

Katherine (beadfreak22) said...

I love this sketch, Julee! I had a fun time with it: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/921636?cat=500&ppuser=96479

Manna said...

This is a great sketch! Although I was struggling a little. HERE is my take. Thanks, Julee!

Anonymous said...

I finally made it over and completed a Mojo Monday challenge! Although, my Mojo was backwards! I hope it's okay, Julee.

Here is the link to my card:


Anonymous said...

Great sketch!! Here's mine!

Jessie/knightrone said...

Here is mine!! Thanks for another wonderful sketch!!


Christina said...

I made one that follows the Verve colors and this sketch!


Manna said...

Here's my girlie take for the sketch. Thanks again, Julee! Your sketches have been very good to me. Look forward to the next one.

Anonymous said...

voici la mienne : http://scrapdebo.canalblog.com/


Carolina said...

My first time participating and just wanted to thank you for a wonderful sketch Julee! Here's my card:

Anonymous said...

Great sketch, Julee! Here's my entry: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/923585?cat=500&ppuser=45344
Thanks for the fun!

Tina said...

Hi Julee another fantastic sketch and the creations are just getting better and better, so beautiful.....well here's mine however it's Mojo Friday for me and Alvin is a little off center so not sure if this one will count... Crafty Hugs Tina x


Anonymous said...

I'm in for the mojo :)

Nicole said...

Another great sketch!
Nicole :D

Rachel Hope said...

Finally got one done...now on to the color challenge :D


Lori said...

Fun sketch! Here's my version: http://inkingaloud.blogspot.com/2008/05/verve-times-2.html

Anonymous said...

Thanks Julee for the inspiration, here is mine:

Angel said...

Loved this sketch and had to play!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I'm getting this in on time (these time zones are so confusing to me!!). But here's a link to my card. I used the May Product Parade Challenge colors and like how it turned out. Hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend as much as I am!!

Carol Dunstan said...

no idea on timezones either, but it was fun to play regardless! Thanks for another great sketch


Dana (Tigger) said...

A little bit late, but I have to work with this sketch :)

Here is my card with it:


Anonymous said...

Better late than never!


Stefanie said...

I'm a little bit late to the game, but I loved this sketch too much not to try it myself. Here's mine: