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Blog Candy Blog Hop

Happy Saturday friends!  A few of my crafty peeps were chatting about all the excess stuff we have in our studios so we decided to have a little blog hop and give away some of our treasures to new homes.  Here's the scoop...

Hop around to the blogs below and if the loot makes your eyes all shiny with possibilities, leave a little comment on that post for a chance to win what you spy!  The hop will stay open until January 28th, 5PM ET and each of us will post the winner of our individual blog candies on Monday, January 30th!

Julee  {you're HERE!}

 For my loot pile, I just started stuffing things into a Flat Rate Priority Box until it was full, so it's kind of random. {grin}  Most everything is new or only used once. 

Please note:  Due to the weight of this package and cost of international shipping, my blog candy is only open to those who have a US shipping address.  Apologies to all my international friends!

Here's a partial list of what's included:
  • 9 - assorted 6x6 paper pads from Lily Bee Design, KaiserCraft and Stampin' Up!
  • 6 Hero Hues Chalk ink pads (most are still in the shrink wrap)
  • 11 VersaMagic chalk ink pads (used once, if at all)
  • Several darling unmounted rubber images from Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps
  • Some random clear stamp sets from Gelatins, Flourishes and Inkadinkado
  • Several new packages of primas and paper flowers
  • Cuttlebug Fleur de Lis embossing folder (new)
  • Spellbinders Fleur de lis accents (new)
  • various bling, pearls, decorative brads and divine twine samples
And just so there's a little something stampy to share with you, here's a re-run of a card I made last year with my own copy of the Fleur de Lis Accents Spellbinders and the Fleur de Lis Cuttlebug folder (which are both part of the blog candy loot pile)!

Enabler's List:
Stamps: Kindred Spirits (Verve)
Paper: Cream, Black
Ink: Onyx Black (Versafine)
Accessories: 3D Flowers Die (Sizzix), Fleur De Lis Accents, Fleur De Lis Squares (Spellbinders), Platinum Liquid Pearls (Ranger), Fleur de Lis embossing folder (Cuttlebug), felt (TCP, silver skeleton leaves (Pizzazz Aplenty)

So, I'm sure you know the drill... leave a comment for a chance to win.  If you want something to chat about, I could use a little advice.  We need to register soon for our baby shower and I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the thought of it, since neither of us have ever been around babies much.  Just wondering for those of you with more experience than us in the baby department, what things are must haves?


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Handmade Creations by Stephanie said...

Gorgeous card as always!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card! You are fast becoming one of my go-to-idea-girls.

Now, where babies are concerned--a transitioning baby stroller/car seat combo is something several friends can purchase together. People will always want to buy clothes--and that is helpful--but the stroller/car seat, pack-n-play for naps away from home, swing, and diapers are always a hit. HTHs :-)

DeeDee Catron said...

First of all.. holy wow! this stack of goodies is insane..

and The best thing I got at our baby shower (first time parents here, too!) were products that other moms and dads found useful -- so if you're having trouble picking out your own things.. and aren't afraid of a couple of doubles.. ask your friends to bring you things THEY couldn't live without.. you'll be surprised by how different each family is! There must be 100 types of diaper rash cream.. do you really want to have to try them all?

Besides products.. I think lots of swaddling blankets.. a swing (If you've got a fussy sleeper usually this will help in the early days!) if you're breastfeeding.. a Boppy pillow (especially for first time mamas) Diapers GALORE!

and don't be afraid to ask for things further in the future.. especially if you're having a large get together.. bebe will only be that old for well.. that day :) it goes fast! and you'll be surprised by how quick you're throwing out/giving away clothes!

Best of luck to your new parenthood!!

Carla Murphy said...

That is an unbelievably beautiful (and huge!) blog candy... it's the whole candy STORE. I'm in Canada, but have an American address. Love that card Julee... you've reminded me about my pale green skeleton leaves I bought years ago that I horded and never used. What a beauty! Thanks for this chance!!

ccrafty74 said...

WOW..... this is awesome I appreciate the opportunity to enter on the hop... Your creations are all outstanding you are an inspiration... God bless

Betty said...

i'd love to win the 6x6 papers - one can never have enough of those! thanks for a chance to win!

Annie Rose said...

How fantastic of you all to be sharing your crafty goodies! I would love to win. All of those flowers totally caught my eye... ooh look, sparkly gems! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Tammy said...

Wow--what a package!! Wish I was American :) Beautiful card--love the flower with the sheer leaves!

Angela said...

Your card is so elegant!

Your blog candy is amazing...love it all, but especially the flowers!

Anonymous said...

The card is delightful and uses one of the first (and one of my favorite) sets from Verve! I would love the opportunity to CASE your card with the Fleur de lis folder and spellbinder! This is very generous of you!
As to baby stuff - been a while for me as my baby will turn 20 on the 26th of this month and my oldest is 22. I still could not imagine life without a baby monitor. It will allow you to hear the twins and be sure not to enter the room until they really do need you. The best part as they grow you can listen to them cooing and talking to each other...so sweet! Best of luck and enjoy this time-life will never be the same and it goes by so fast!

Cheryl said...

This is such a fun idea! I have a weakness for 6x6 paper pads so I would have to say those are my favorite.

I love your card and enjoy seeing your projects.

Have a great weekend!

email: shestamps11-blogs@yahoo.com

Vicki Wizniuk said...

Wow, I love this card!

Ooooh, look at all that... would love the Spellbinders. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Darla said...

Beautiful card, love the colors! It has been so long since we had a baby around that I don't know what you need nowadays! We had VERY little when our firstborn came around, but some handmade blankets were my favorite gifts that I received!

Jill said...

WOW nice candy---thanks for a chance to win---Love your card!!!! Sorry can't help with baby info--way past that stage.

Andrea R said...

Great goodies...thanks for the chance. It has been a while since I had my son but I think that listing the big ticket items on a registry was helpful and people could always chip in and buy one big gift. Have fun and enjoy all of the new experiences that are coming your way.

Basslady said...

your card is so noble and classy!

my favourite item is spellbinders, fleur de lis...

thanx for this fantastic and generous hop!

hugs and kisses from germany,
silvi xoxo

Jeaneen said...

That card is a beauty!

Sure would love to win your goodies!

My 'babies' are 21, 23 and 26, so I have no idea about the latest and greatest and must haves. Sorry! All the best...

Melissa Flieg said...

Beautiful card and a great give away. As far as the baby stuff I could not have lived with out my Baby Bjorn. Not sure how helpful it will be with twins but maybe. Also a double stroller will be a must.

Alice said...

Such a gorgeous card. Love it. I'm spying the Spellbinders Fleur De Lis package. I just love all their products. Thanks for the great prize package.

lisa808 said...

Beautiful card and amazing prize package. Sorry I can't be of any help on the baby front.

Barbara said...

Hey Julie,
Reading your question brought back memories. We learned in 24 hours - one month ahead of schedule, that we had a son! We learned of him about a week before and also told to expect a girl. I raced around all weekend, got what I thought were the essentials. I was flying to another country in two days to stay for 6 months. I was in a panic. My mom and my husbands mom were both gone so I had no one to really ask for advice. It was an adventure!

Dont forget you can never have enough of onesies -

Vicki Dutcher said...

OH MY! What an incredible stash you are offering~ Those gems and inks are screaming my name! :)

Gabriela said...

What a breath taking card! Love, Love, Love your little scalloped felt flower and translucent leaves. Baby must-haves are:

Pre-folded cloth diapers to use as burp cloths.
Hooded bath towels (we still use them)
Infant wash cloths (they're much softer)
Pack-N-Play playpen/portable crib
Baby gym (to set over the baby and keep baby entertained and intellectually stimulated)
Forget the diaper Genie, just fold the used diapers tightly and put them directly into a trash can. Diaper Genie was worthless
Battery operated ear thermometer (still use ours 14 years later)
Baby gowns with drawstring bottom for super easy diaper changing.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

I love this idea of sharing, thanks for the chance.

Karen Day said...

Hi Julee, I'm Canadian so I can't win... but I wanted to tell you that for us, the Diaper Genie was awesome, and with twice the diapers... I think it would be a necessity! Be sure to put absolutely everything on your registry, big and little, sometimes people like to add a few little things to whatever they've chosen for you. Best wishes!

Dawn's Daze said...

That is a huge package! I love it all! Thank you for sharing with us.

Leah said...

Wow! That's a boatload of goodies. Lovin' it all.
As for the baby, these girls have already given some awesome advice. Just remember balance is the key.

Theresa said...

Spellbinders and paper pads would top my list of favorites. I have never played with the Hero Hues ink pads, that would be a nice experiment. Thanks for sharing your lovely card too!

Tracey said...

Absolutely a GORGEOUS caed!!! I am Canaidian, but I have an American addy for mailing :)) Thanks for the chance to win this amazing give-a-way!

Jackie said...

Wow, what a wonderful prize! My youngest is 26, but I do remember being very grateful for a baby swing. I don't know if they still have those but it was a wonderful way to get a few free minutes back then!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh my...so generous! Let's see...baby things. I had four of my own and now babysit a few. If I had to do my own over again, I would probably request a LOT of diapers and wipes...if you're going with cloth, ask for those snazzy diaper covers...makes changing diapers an absolute breeze! Some of the really cool things are the new little seats that help them sit upright early, boppy pillow, lots of onesies...I couldn't have lived without a walker or chair of some sort (later because they always want to be able to see what's going on), a swing, baby laundry soap, and a sling. A SLING IS A MUST! Ü

Anonymous said...

What a stunning card...as always :) Best wishes for two healthy babies - hubby and I don't have children so I don't have any advice or guidance. Just well wishes for you.

Sabrina said...

WOW!! What a generous giveaway!! I just love papers, but the inks is what I could really use; some of mine are beginning to dry up. I do need more stamps as I haven't been able to buy any for a while. And I'd love to use the Fleur de Lis embossing folder! Also, you can never have enough bling, pearls, etc.
Thank you so very much for the chance to win. I'm Canadian, but do have a US address if needed.

As for preparing for babies...I had five and they are now 24 to 34. I do remember that there were many days when you were changing their clothes nearly as often as their diapers. So I would say you could never have enough onesies, sleepers, receiving blankets, and diappers. Remember they do grow so very fast, so different sizes are great too. I also remember how expensive it all was, so I'd say to have family and friends get to gether to get you the more expensive items would be helpful, because you can always go out to get additional sleepers and onesies whenever you need them.

Hope that helps, and thank you for the chance to win your generous candy!

Marsha said...

Your card is absolutely beautiful
( and your eye candy is pretty wonderful too !) Seriously, I love your card.

Chana Malkah said...

Awesome Sketch and fantastic colors and textures! I love black, white, and blue together and this project is stunning!

Your purge pak would be a great addition to any stash!!

Debbie said...

I love the card. Fleur de Lis is my favorite design ever. I would love the Fleur de Lis embossing folder.

Elizabeth said...

It's have to say that there isn't much you must have except for clothes and diapers.

I really like the snap n' go frames for the infant car seat. I would also recommend some kind of sling or carrier, but if you can, borrow before you buy because moms and babies all have their own preferences. This is true of many baby items: bottles, pacis, swings exersaucers, etc. Don't open packages of bottles or pacis until you need them and only open on package at a time, so you can return the rest if you find out your baby doesn't like them.

Melissa said...

OMG, your creations are beautiful!!! wonderful blog!

You have so much how can I choose what has caught my eye...everything. But If I had to pic one it would be spellbinders!

Baby must haves: Wipes, burping diapers, pampers, Onesies....

Thanks for the chance to win!

mzcherub at gmail dot com

VickiS said...

First glance at that gorgeous card took my breath away! The blue with the black is so gorgeous! Just getting into using chalk inks and flowers on my cards, so those are my favorites! I am a grammy of twins. Took 9 months off my job to help when they were born as they had an 18 month old sister. The double stroller that the carseats snapped into was a lifesaver! Made it easy to go anywhere we needed. Don't get a side by side as it's too hard to get through a lot of places. Excited and happy for you!

Nicole said...

How generous! I am swooning at your goodies that you consider "extra." And a beautiful card, too. Thanks Julie!

Michelle said...

Your card is so pretty, that shade of blue is so cheery.

Babies - first YAY!
Bumbo - loved this when she could sit up, but still needed some help. She jabbered away at me while I made dinner.
Sling - FAB for going out and frees up your hands...for the other one in your case. lol
Big cloth diapers - BEST burp cloths, great to keep in the car for messy accidents on the go, I still use them for cleaning/dusting for years after baby

Marla said...

Love the goodies you are offering especially the hero art inks and the flowers. I would say baby must haves are a swing, diapers, onesies, wipes, fingernail clippers, burp clothes. How very exciting and congrats on your baby!!

cpagoddess said...

Great card. Fleur di lis is one of my favorite images! Now as to the baby shower... I have no children and I'm not the best at baby gifts... but most mothers to be have signed up at target or babies or us or some other store for those "must haves". Sometimes the sign up is on-line so you don't even have to leave your desk. I go directly to the most expensive item, order it and then I'm done. Those big ticket items are generally "must haves" and I know that mom wants that particular one.

Sherrie Conner said...

Sweet mother load!! I would love everything in this stack!!
Babies grow so fast! For the first 3 months or so they only need diapers and blankets, t-shirts, and mom!! Best wishes to you!!

JenL said...

Awesome card!! I can't decide between the spellbinders and the flowers.

Yo Glenn said...

What a generous candy offer. Thanks for the chance to win it. They didn't have this when my kids were babies, but my favorite new item is the lightweight, collapsible high chair. It is convenient to take anywhere, stores easily when not in use, and so easy to clean. Good luck with your pregnancy - what an exciting time for you.

Giovana said...

Congrats onthe exciting news! I always visit your blog but looks like I missed something very important :)
Your card is fantastic! and the blog candy is super duper!

About babies, get clothes in different sizes, babies grow super fast and in blink of the eye those tiny outfits don't fit anymore.

Lots of diaper, burping clothes and onesies :)

And people who can help you so you can take a nap. Babies like to be awake when they suppose to be sleeping :)

Congrats again!!

God bless.

bbourassa said...

Those goodies look so mouth-watering!!! You are so generous. Thanks.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love this loot. Babies, hmmmmm, I've had three in three very different situations. All you really need is onsies and recieving blankets (if you are breast feeding....formula too if you are not.) And all the rest is just for fun. Remember not to get too many clothes in one size, cause they outgrow them faster than you dress them up, so pick out clothing in various sizes ranging from newborn to one year. A swing can be a lifesaver when you need two hands, lol. Be sure to pick out a range of prices so people don't feel obligated or overwhelmed. And congrat's!

Melissa said...

My two cents:

A stroller / carrier combo

Nursury furniture that transforms into a regular bed for later on. It's a big money saver in the end.

I used a plugged in bottle warmer and just loved it.

I had no experience with kids are babies til my first child 10 years ago. It will amaze you how fast you learn what your baby needs! You will be a skilled mama in no time!

Sherry said...

What a great give away would love a Kraftin Kimmie stamp. As for babies. I think other than the obvious {crib car seat etc.} the one thing that saved my life was a swinging seat it had a bassinet and a chair seat and you could wind it up and it would swing gently kept my meals sane...don't know it they still make it but if so you got to have it.

Carol from La Crosse said...

I am just amazed at the generosity of you women! I am just appreciative that day after day you share your talents.... now you are sharing all this Fantastic product too!!! WOW!!

It has been awhile since I have had any babies, but they have so many wonderful products now compared to when I had little ones. I am sure you won't have any trouble finding the essentials. :)

Thank you for the Terrific Blog hop and for the great ideas you give me everytime you post!

Penny Wessenauer (d0npen) said...

First congratulations on your pregnancy..what an exciting time in your lives! Definitely, all the big furniture items if you don't have them already.. then the smaller ones, the portable ones.. I would also recommend when you register, sign up for lots of little things.. folks will often purchase the larger items, then fill their basket with small ones.. additionally, this will help some of your friends who can only afford the smaller items..
As for the blog give away! Awesome! You ROCK!!

Jessica said...

Wow! Nice blog candy! I would love the fleur-de-lis dies! They are so pretty! I really liked you card and how you used the dies too.

As far as babies are concerned, they grow so fast, most people give clothes that they out grow in 2 weeks. I think an ear thermometer is a wonderful gift, and of course a nice supply of diapers, we all know how fast those get used up!!

Jennifer Scull said...

it's been such a long time since my guys were babies, but the one thing they really loved were the little jungle gym type things you sat over the baby while they are lying on the ground that has all of the dangly toys for them to reach up and play with.... does that make sense? they also loved their little boppy chairs.

Sabrina Jackson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrina Jackson said...

Julee, your card is absolutely amazing and I love every little details of it! As for what is a a "must have" for babies. Well, I would say, a good stroller that can be folded with one hand, a good car seat and for those first couple of weeks a nice little cradle that you can put right next to your bed, so you don't have to run between rooms! ;D Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

KathyE said...

WOW, this is awesome!! Thank you so much for the chance to win.

I am trying to think what my son and DIL got for shower gifts....I know they got a pack & play that they love, boppies, lots of receiving blankets, boy I could go on and on.

Thank you again!

Caroline D. said...

Your card is beautiful!! Love the splash of teal with the black/white!! So sharp looking! You girls are beyond generous with the humongous piles of goodies you're offering!! I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I will be one of the lucky recipients! Hard to pick a fave item out of your candy, but those fleur de lis dies really caught my eye... I don't have those and they've been on my wish list for a while now! thanks again... :o)

Luanne said...

Love those spellbinders dies, and lily bee 6x6 papers are so great! Thanks for a chance to win! Even though my baby days are long gone, I'd say you'll want a double stroller and car seats. And, you're going to have to start scrapbooking! Memories are fun to visit again and again, so some great scrapbooks to fill would be good too. :)

thestampinglady said...

First off I want to say I adore your blog header--that is just so me.

As far as baby advice--my youngest just turned 33 and I have a 3 yr old grandson. Things sure have changed since my new mommy days, yet some things are the same. I loved having a swing and they sure are much more stable and supportive these days. I would have loved to have had a diaper genie and a web-cam baby monitor.

My favorite item on your list are the ink pads from Hero Arts or Versamark. Thanks for the chance to win.

Barbara A. said...

Love your card AND oh my, those goodies are making my mouth really watery! Love to have the chance to win as I see there is Spellbinders and those flowers are beautiful!

Christine said...

Gorgeous card and such great prizes to win! Thanks for sharing and good luck with the baby registry. My advice would be NOT to purchase a playpen. We never used it and I gave it away in like-new condition.

Deb Buckminster said...

OMGOSH!!! Look at all that FABULOUS crafting GOODNESS!!

Your card is simply ELEGANT.

My #1 Baby Shower gift is a back-of-the-car-seat travel mirror so that the baby can be viewed while driving. It's ALWAYS a hit!!

Miriam Prantner said...

Congrats! You must invest in this book: BAby Bargains. You will read it cover to cover and carry it around with you. It is hugely helpful. My other suggestion is the Ultimate crib sheet - you need at least two, and if you have any questions regarding pumping supplies, feel free to contact me directly. I ended up not being able to nurse my first and pumped exclusively, which is a huge hassle, but I've got that list of supplies down pat if you need it. In terms o these goodies, I've been wanting to try some chalk inks.

TerryAnn said...

Besides your website and all it's wonderful creativity! there's NOTHING better than babies!! What a huge blessing from God. Now, a must have? A rocking chair! Good for Mommy and baby(s).

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card...love the flower and leaves. Can't believe you're giving away the Spellbinders dies that you made it with.
As far as registering, take a new mom/friend with you. I was so overwhelmed when I went and my friend was beyond helpful in what I did and didn't need.

Holly Barrett said...

Love the colors you've used on this card. The Spellbinders in your giveaway would be fun to add to my collection.

Karen V. said...

That's a treasure chest of prizes! I'd love to take home any of it - thanks for the chance to win! As far as babies - been quite a while, but I couldn't live without a baby monitor, swing, pack and play, rocking chair, and lots of diapers/burp cloths! So happy for you Julee-all the best to you and your family!

Liz Terrazas said...

I'm so excited to be hopping along with all of you today.. I absolutey love what you are offering... Very sweet qand generous.. liz

Kristin K. said...

Beautiful card. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Such a gorgeous card. That blue just POPS!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such delish candy. I would love to play with the Spellbinders Fleur de lis accents.
Huggies ~

Amy Kolling said...

First of all......Congratulations!
Second....take friends and family up on offers of help. Don't try to do it all. You will wear yourself out. Even if this help is just so you can take a nap!!!
Third....I spy Hero Hues ink pads and the Spellbinders!

Bev J. said...

What a beautiful candy assortment-love it all!! Thanks for a chance to win and wishing you a perfect pregnancy.

momandjack said...

Love anything with blue!! Beautiful. Hero Arts Hues ... new for me?!!

jan farnworth said...

your card is very pretty as for in the baby department diapers and lots of onesies. a good card seat is a must as well. thanks for sharing.

Teri C said...

GORGEOUS card!!! Love your stash, especially Spellbinders stuff! tericout at yahoo dot com

starqueen said...

Hey Julee,
You are so kind to share your loot...and your creativity with us! Love your work and all the sweet inspiration you provide.
Thank you!

Rebecca Johnson said...

Ditto on the rocking chair, only two of them!! I've gathered from your posts that you're nervous about all this. It will all come naturally. Trust me.
Peace, Becky Johnson

debbie said...

Its Christmas in January - my eye's are the size of saucers as I look at this wonderful giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win and thanks as always for sharing your beautiful cards.

Elizabeth C. said...

Love that black/blue combo with the fleur de lis! C'est belle! I'd love to play with the Spellbinders accents and the embossing folder.

As for babies... wow, my baby turns 13 in a couple of weeks. Each one is so different! I wouldn't have survived without my baby sling - said 'baby' was one of those that wasn't happy unless he was involved in everything. Never used the swing or bouncy seat. A killer diaper bag is a good investment.
Being pregnant is overwhelming enough! Get help from friends; they remember what it was like!

Denni said...

What a great giveaway!! Those Kraftin Kimmie stamps are awesome and so is the paper!

As far as baby must haves... everyone seems to be right on target with what I would suggest too. One more thing I LOVED (and bought two of so I could keep one in my car for the just in case times) was those booster seats that strap to the chair and has it's own removeable tray. My daughter used hers everywhere!

Congrats! and thank you for the chance!

Ida said...

Beautiful card. I really like that embossing folder and the die. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marisa said...

Love the card, Julee. Gorgeous as always. Some amazing goodies to give away! Love the flowers and the EF and SB dies. Thanks for the change to win :)

As for baby must haves - it's been a while, but things I remember being of great assistance are: A good high chair, a diaper genie, a good stroller and diaper bag, an exersaucer, a baby monitor, a jolly jumper (one kid loved it and the other not so much...great exercise and kept them occupied when I was in the shower), a play pen for confinement and/or naps and also great for when you have to travel as it serves as a great nap/sleeping place because they are already used to it and settle well, LOTS of receiving blankets and diaper shirts. Of course there are all sorts of fandanagled new goodies since I had my kids, so I'll leave that to others to deal with LOL!

Thanks for the chance to win and have a great weekend :)

Frankie said...

Beautiful card! As for a baby registry, go with any of the basics that aren't clothes and you should be good. People always buy baby clothes anyway. :) Receiving blankets, onesies, bathtub, etc. -- all good stuff.

Laraine R said...

Gorgeous card!! Great blog candy!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Jeanette said...

I've never seen such kindness. Paper, paper, paper!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

What a gorgeous card---LOVE the black accents!

As for your giveaway--WOWZA! LOVE all those inks and fabulous embellies:) THANKS for the chance to win--sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO said...

What a FAB stash of loot you're giving away!
My "baby" is now 13--and there are so many new "must have" baby gadgets. I love the strollers and diaper bags that are out now! We couldn't have gotten by without the Bouncer. Goof luck--what an exciting time for you.

Colorado Crafter said...

What a gorgeous card!! Wow... so hard to pick a favorite from your pile of loot! I love it all! I guess if I had to choose a favorite, though it would be all those chalk inks. I've never used chalk inks and have been wanting to get some, so that would be a new treat for me. I do love the Spellbinders dies, though... they are always one of my favorite crafting tools!

scrappingnana said...

Love your gorgeous card. The skeleton leaves are a great addition to the flower. I love these colors together. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy.

Kelly said...

OMG I love your stash, everything I love is in it. Spellbinders and the flowers are soooo awesome. What a great idea you ladies have, thanks for letting us try and win your glorious purged items.

LoriScrapper said...

I love following your blog because you create the most beautiful and detailed cards. I also love your color combinations. Thanks

Unknown said...

What an awesome give away.

I have a two year old boy those days aren't far past us. We didn't have much experience with babies either. (I'm an only child) I would suggest cloth diapers, even if you are using disposable. They are great burp cloths, to put under them when changing, to cover their business so they don't pee on you (well for boys only), and to help with general messiness.

Wanda Cullen said...

I am loving this "purge blog hop"...what a fun idea! Well, the nurse in me advises you to be ready for that first bout of fever and have a thermometer and baby Tylenol on hand! You'll go through tons of baby wipes and diapers - lol!

Susan said...

Love the card!

GREAT candy...I hardly have any spellbinders and they are the "normal kind" LOVE all the flowers! YUMMY! thanks so much for the opportunity.

Babies...Mine are all grown, but...I will tell you what I know from experience, and from my nieces nephews and great nieces and nephews.

get up to 4 umbrella strollers...keep one at each grandparents house, and one in each of you vehicle trunks...standby, and you never know...also pack an "extra" emergency bag...1-2 sleepers, and onesies, sweater blanket bib and a few diapers in the trunk of the vehicles (obviously you'll have to change it out every once in a while, as the child grows.

the BIGGIE for your shower list: (other than diapers and more diapers)

* also...my niece wanted soooo badly the wipe warmer when she was pregnant with her first. She got it, and hated it. it totally dries out the wipes.* She just had her 3 baby in just under 4 years. (She has MS, so they had to take her off her meds while she tried to get pregnant, and they were on the last month before the meds had to be started again, and luckily she got pregnant. The surprise came along when she found out she was pregnant almost immediately after having Emma. Emma turned 1 and Breanna was born 1 week later. I am not really sure if Charlie (jr) was planned or not. I do know they were told have all your kids sooner rather than later as you do not know what the MS will do, or how fast you'll decline.

It is just sad knowing this! She is a beautiful, hardworking woman, who did everything the right way...college, law school, then marriage and kids.
Thank Goodness her battles with thr MS have not been big ones thus far and the children are all healthy and beautiful also!

I wish you health and beauty and many blessings for your baby!

Mary Marsh said...

beautfiul card and some awesome blog candy Julee-thanks for a chance to win.

I am a grandmother now but my dil-just had a baby girl and her big thing is the diaper dekor for the disposing of diapers plus a diaper service that delivers the environmentally friendly disposable diapers

Twins what a blessing to you!!

Sandra L. Hansen said...

Spellbinders!!! My fav. That is an amazing purge pile!

blaze said...

Wow! Those flowers look divine! Thanks for sharing your stash!

Marina said...

You card is gorgeous!

Jessica said...

what a gorgeous card! love all your fabulous giveaway items!!!! thanks for the chance to win! :)

TrinaM said...

Fabulous card that you have shared. Very generous blog candy - but I don't have a US address :-(.

As for first baby - congrats to you both. One thing that I know is useful and I have bought for others as a baby shower gift is a Diaper bag used when you go out to carry change of clothes, diapers, wipes etc. They are worth their weight in gold and make sure you get one that is large to carry all the necessary but small enough to fit on or under your stroller. Even once baby is walking it is great for carrying spare clothes, snacks, water bottle etc.
(If you always have one packed with diapers, wipes, spare clothes etc with your stroller/buggy it is easy to get organized to go out with baby.)

Bernardine Cuttino said...

I am a follower of your lovely and stunning cards. I like what I see for the hop. So please put me name on the list. Thanks for sharing.

Robbie said...

WOW!! Love it all including your gorgeous card! Thanks for the chance to win this great package.

{Chrissie} said...

Amazing card. You always inspire me!

Baby registry is overwhelming, I know. If you plan to nurse, make sure to register for a good pump - that is something that is generally overlooked! I used one by the First Years and it worked out really well. Also, people tend to buy whatever clothes they wan and ignore the registry, so don't even bother with clothes!!! But do put a high chair, stroller, car seat/carrier and diaper bag on there. Good luck!!!

JenMarie said...

Wow, what a lot of loot! :) CONGRATS on the upcoming bebe!!!

Unknown said...

First off love your latest card. And LOVE the blog candy woo hoo!

Suzanne said...

Julee, how could you be giving away bling!? This is an amazing stash that anyone would be honored to win. I don't have any children yet, so all I know are the basics: crib, bottles, diapers. I know it's not much help, but according to all my friends the "basics" are all you end up really using anyway... :) Congrats!!

Marthamh2 said...

Both my daughter and daughter-in-law really liked the boppy pillow. Thanks for the chance to win. Good Luck with the registry.

Bernardine Cuttino said...

This is an awesome blog hop. Great stashes and beautiful cards. I see some items, that would definitely assist me in my crafts. Thanks for sharing.

April said...

Absolutely gorgeous card!!!

Totally loving all those inks!! Thanks for the chance to win. :)
- April W

Trisha said...

Range Liquid Pearls--I have none and would like to try it. What a beautiful card. Great job. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

renee said...

your art always inspires me, thank you...also, thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous prize!

Sam F said...

Love ink and I don't have much Hero Arts--so excited for the Versa-inks and the Hero Arts. Also, I just got a Big Shot, so it would be so fun to win some things to use with that! (Thanks for sharing)

Ravengirl said...

I remember this beautiful re-run! You have fabulous goods in your stash. I love Spellbinders dies and that is a great set of dies you are giving away.

I only have one kiddo, so I couldn't advise about two. My girl loved her pacifier and they come in all different shapes. You may want to register for a few different kinds to see what your babies will like. We had a vibrating chair that was magic. When she was fussy, she would settle right down in that thing. Don't be afraid to register for big ticket items. Sometimes friends and family want to go together to get you things that you will need. Another thing we really loved was the diaper genie, it really cut down on smell. Finally, you can never have enough diapers. I personally loved the smell of Pampers Swaddlers, even when they were wet. Although nothing rivals the smell of new Verve stamps!

wendy said...

whow.. I spotted the spellbinders right off...how wonderful would they be to own...you make such beautiful cards with them decorating the front...thanks for a chance to win

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card. Thanks for the chance to win some amazing goodies

wendyp said...

amazing giveaway! Would love to win!!!

baby must haves....well besides the obvious like car set, diapers. A baby sling is a great addition to the registry!

Cris said...

oooh stamps, or maybe spellbinders can't make up my mind

Cindi said...

I've never tried the Hero Hues, but I would love to!
As far as babies go, I would have been lost without my baby swing!

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

WOW! Love all the goodies. Thank you for a chance to win.

My boys are teens now, so not even sure what is cool out there any more. Congratulations though!

Sheila said...

BIG BOLD BLOG CANDY...love all of it. Thanks so much for sharing.


Tanya said...

Thank you so much for the amazing chance to win, so many fabulous goodies. I haven't been able to shop in so long, winning anything would be so cool, thanks! :)

Ok, baby stuff... A double stroller is a must, I like the ones with the seats back to back. The ones that are side by side are sometimes to big to go through some doors :( Plus I had one where you could have them facing each other and play togther or have them both facing one way. I used cloth diapers really pretty easy once you get the hang of it, and I felt so good not throwing out all of that plastic, diapers take so long to biodegrade. I know it is a lot of washing with two though. Onsies, sunshields for the car, mine loved the swing, and when they are big enough, they all love a walker, they scoot all over the place. :)

keeleykats said...

Thanks for sharing your treasures. I would love to try out the chalk inks!

Anonymous said...

WOW ,super cool card .. And what about that blog candy!!! Best I've ever seen .. whoa .. got my fingers crossed ...

RAK said...

What a great box of supplies. Thanks for the chance to win!
MUST have a baby monitor.

McStamper said...

Wow, thanks for a chance to win a great bunch of goodies. As far as babies - this is not something you can register for but the most important - don't forget to enjoy and treasure every day - it goes way too fast.

Serstin said...

Since I live in Saints country...Fleur De Lis Spellbinders and embossing folder!!!! Thanks for the chance to win and LOVE the card!!!!

Lucille K said...

TY for sharing your stamping stash. The Hero Arts inks have caught my eye. I am also a paper person all the way. :)

Lori Gauerke said...

Love the inspirational ideas going thru my head seeing your things!!

Julie K said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance to win! As a mom of identical twin boys it would be great if one could register for more TIME! My sons will be 28 in February...the years have sped by

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh My...all that wonderful coordinating Fleur de Lis stash is amazing and your beautiful card is so striking!

Shauna said...

LOTS of wonderful things--wow! I've been wanting to get some chalk inks, so those are what "jumped out" at me! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Kim said...

Wow - what a great prize to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

Kerian said...

great card...what great giveaway, lots for goodies...

Basement Stamper said...

What a great idea! Love it! I love that cuttlebug embossing folder.

The one thing I would recommend for the babies are blanket wraps. I got a t-shirt material one for my baby shower and used on my 2 little ones and it was awesome. They stayed wrapped snug as a bug in a rug :-)

Erin said...

The cuttlebug stuff looks like so much fun!

Colleen said...

Wow! You are giving way some very nice items. As I am looking at each blog, it getting harder and harder to choose my favorite item. Your's is one of the hard ones. :) What I like the most is a toss up between the beautiful prima flowers and the spellbinder die. Thanks for chance to win some awesome goodies.

EllenaElizabeth said...

I just want to say what a lovely blog you have and good luck to whoever wins your wonderful give-a-way. I live in Australia so I'm out but thanks for posting.

irishgalkelly said...

Hi Julee! Thanks so much for a chance to win. You're a sweetie for such a nice giveaway.

Baby stuff...swing, a book like this one "The Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child Care" which tells you what symptoms go with which illness and when to seek medical attention...a must have for first time moms or anything similar, and Desitin or Butt Paste for diaper rash. Good luck Julee. Take a mom with you, they sort out what you need from what you "think" you need! ; )

forpahl5 said...

Wow, love the card! I think this is such a great idea! Now on the baby thing, my baby is going to be 20. Best advice I can give anyone is as your kids are growing up, know your kids friends and know your kids friends parents! Good luck!


Fernanda said...

The one thing I do not have are Prima flowers-so I would just love to get my hands on those lol. Thanks for sharing your stash!

meemee48 said...

I love using chalk inks, so would really like winning all of these chalk ink pads.

Indy's Designs said...

First I love your card. Second, I am liking that embossing folder, but then there's the paper, the..... Thanks for making someone's day!

Cin said...

Love all the items you are giving away! Hope I win and can put them to good use. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us!

Audrey said...

omg i love the fleur de lis!! and all the little bling blings! bling! Bling! thanks so much for being willing to share! love your 'the best' card too! ~sweetstemsbouquets (at) gmail (dot) com. ~audrey rogers =)

MarvA1ix said...

Your cards are always so inspirational. I look forward every day to opening your email to see what you made. Sorry I don't comment more often, but sometimes it is just a quick pass thru.
New Year Res.....Make and send more cards, and start a blog. I'm working on it, and soon I will be able to play along.
And, what a swell pile of stuff you have. I should give some of mine away, too.

MarvA1ix said...

Julee, I forgot to say I have my eye on those beautiful flowers. Sure would brighten this cold Minnesota day.
Also, your comment about registering for the baby shower. I have 2 new grandbabies. 11 week old Kol, and 2 week old Olivia. The thing the moms and dads love best is a new idea. Fisher Price Rock N Play sleeper. It can be used in place of a bassinet, it's very portable from room to room or travel. Baby sleeps very comfortable, and I can see where they would enjoy playing near you also. And for newborns, I love baby gowns. Skip the onsies, give me a gown for ease in changing and cuddling. Dads like them too, as the dressing and snaps are difficult for some guys with big fingers :)

FrancineB said...

My favorite is the fleur de lis spellbinders die. Perfect for my son's scout troop thank yous and scrapbook.

Linda said...

Fabulous card and blog candy. Love those Hero Hues. My kids are older but I couldn't live without an Exersaucer

lynneatw said...

I love your card and prizes especially the 6x6 pads.

FrancineB said...

I suggest portable playpen (pack n play or something along those lines). Also, if you are bottlefeeding, a container sectioned to carry 3-4 separate servings of formula powder. That way you can carry the bottles of water (that you know is okay) and mix it quickly anywhere you happen to be. If you are nursing, a big nursing blanket. Make sure the size is adequate to cover both you and the baby. All three of my children loved the bouncy seat and swing. Receiving blankets are a must especially as a newborn when they liked to be swaddled. A carseat that is properly fitted for your car, a good stroller that is easy to fold and lift to fit in the car. Diapers, lots and lots of diapers. We also bought a Crib For Life. It's a crib that changes to a toddler bed, then a double bed. My second child used it as a bed after the youngest moved out of the crib until last year. We bought it 1996. That and the baby tenda feeding table (it lasted 10 years until a dog chewed a leg off) was the best although expensive buys we made.

Linda Carson said...

Gorgeous artwork! I've been out of the loop for a bit and didn't know you were expecting! Congratulations!! Thanks for an opportunity to win some awesome goodies...!

ArtisticInkspirations said...

Love all the things you have in your stash..esp spellbinders and embellishments. As far as Babies.. lots of the ONSIES!!. Every time they wet, the onsie gets wet.. a sub. to a diaper svc is always nice for a new mom. Cloth diapers are always nice to have..all my kids used them.. they were allergic to the disposable ones, and not that much trouble to wash and dry.. and they make wonderful burp rags!! Another thing.. if getting mobiles or rattles.. those in BLACK, RED, WHITE are the colors first able to be seen by babies. Lots of little flannel receiving blankets to bundle the little one up tight, like they used to be in the womb! Hope this helps.. if you need to ask more.. email me!! Mother of 4, grandmother of 6, Greatgrandmother of 1.

Naomi said...

Oh my GOODNESS! What an AMAZING and GENEROUS prize pack! THANK YOU for the chance to win and your card using the Fleur De Lis Accents is STUNNING!!!

As for things you'll need...OMG, SO MANY! I don't have kids yet but, have always been around them...half raised my cousin's son from age of 6 months and ALL of my friends have kids...I highly recommend a couple of exersaucers...onesies, as stated above are a GREAT idea....receiving blankets...there really are SO many things....especially when you have TWO coming! Very EXCITED for you!


Edna Siu said...

a newly parents would love to have a quick handy camera to catch every movement, every smile, every little progress the baby is growing, so they can keep the precious moment, and to share with friends and relative. Thanks for the huge bundle of the goodies, I would say the spellbinder set of dies with be my wish to have.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win the awesome bundle of goodness! Looks like you're getting a lot of advice on baby "must-haves!" Didn't read every comment, but if you're bottle feeding, the little bowl with compartments for measuring out formula is great to have. The lid rotates around and a hole allows you to dump one measured portion of formula into the bottle. Great for on-the-go Moms.

GAZ said...

I really like your beautiful card and all the techniques that you share. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome blog candy. Thanks too for all you share. The baby suggestions in the other comments pretty much covers everything. Best Wishes for a happy, healthy baby!! GlendaJ

roxej said...

THANKS for the chance to win. I think the fleur di lid card is terrific

Tatalo said...

What a marvellous blog candy, thank you for this chance to win !

I'm french and very bad in english so

Merci pour ce merveilleux blog, j'adore !!!

Ellen (aka ScrapStampnMama) said...

Absolutely stunning card..and would LOVE to win the spellbinder die and all that goes with it of course!

Colleen said...

Gorgeous card; love the colors and layout.
Oh, my goodness, what a wonderful prize package. Very GENEROUS ladies; each and everyone of you.
Thank you.
I'm just now starting in with the Spellbinders so guess I would have to say that as my favorite but must say, it's hard to choose a favorite in all these prize packages. They are All Outstanding.
Thank you for this opportunity

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

My babies are both getting married this year, but the one thing I remember is how many trips to the pharmacy my DH had to make when we came home from the hospital. There was always something I would find I needed. I say ask for Gift Cards to your local pharmacy. Thanks, and good luck with the registry.

Susan King said...

What a great chance to win. I love your cards and I spotted those Spellbinders first. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Purge Pile! And Congratulations and Best Wishes on your new baby! How exciting!!
I suggest lots of organic cotton swaddling blankets for wrapping baby up real tight and cozy, like a little pea pod...my husband became the expert on the baby wrap :) Also, a babyfood grinder so you can make your own good foods.

Angella D. Crockett said...

Congrats on the new baby on the way! My best advice is to seek the Lord in all things....trust in Him and He will show you the way when you don't know what to do! Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful goodies, and wow, your beautiful card too! I have to say that my fave thing on the list is the designer paper...Yep, I'm a paper-a-holic! Thanks again and God bless!!

Dee in N.H. said...

Gorgeous card! Congrats on the sweet baby coming! That's awesome! Thanks for a chance at that really generous candy!

LoveSnailMail said...

Great card in elegant and sophisticated colors! Would love to experiment with chalk inks - so thanks for the chance!

Kryssi said...

gorgeous bold card!!!!

and that stash is amazing!! what a fun idea, i need to do the same too!

Sheetal Ahlawat said...

What lovely goodies by lovely ladies :) Not entering the giveaway ( from London) but a big thumbs up to you.

Davi said...

OH WOW this is a fabulous card!! I love all the embossed texture and the bold black with the blue!! REALLY pretty! Those kraftin kimmie stamps and flowers jumped right out at me. Thank you so much for and opportunity for all these treasures :)

Betsy said...

Beautiful card!
Is that a Spellbinders set I see in the back??? WOW! Sure would love to win that (plus all the other great stuff you've got up for grabs)!

Melinda Everitt said...

Love the stamp sets. Anything for the cuttlebug as well.

Dana said...

Great giveaway!! I see hero ink pads that i would love to try!!

Annheidel said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I see some Kraftin' Kimmie stamps in there. I love your Kindred Spirits card - so elegant! As for baby stuff, stick with the basics until you see a need for the fancier stuff. :)

Lou said...

I see lots of bling I would love to play with.Thank you for the chance to enter.

My babies are in their thirties and things have changed so much lol Congrats to you =)


Kim Lundstrom said...

I love the spellbinders dies!! Fun stuff!


Judi said...

Very elegant card. I love the colours and all the pearls. Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda W. said...

I live in the US!!! :) Pardon for the anxiety! I love your flowres in the background of the prizes. And your cards are worth mucho $ - they are beautiful! Linda vweber@lagrant.net

Debra Lois said...

I don't have any baby gift advice, having no babies myself, but it sounds like you've gotten some great suggestions already.

Thanks for giving us the chance to win some goodies.

joanieg said...

What beautiful cards and blog candy! I lobe all the bling and pearls!! Thank You for your warm generosity and inspiration.


Luanne said...

Gorgeous card! love the black and white with kiss of blue. very feminine! I'm international just joining the hop and inspiration

luvglitztoo said...

Love your card. In the baby department, I think that the most important things to register for are: patience and confidence in yourself. You will be a great mother.

PatS said...

What a beautiful card! I have snatch it for my inspiraton file. Your bundle of goodies is awesome, especially the Spellbinders! I would love to add all of this to my card making stash!

Kay D said...

First, I love that card! Such a stunning color combo, yum!
Next, thank you SO much for your generous blog candy offering- fabulous pile of goodies you have there.
As far as your baby shower registry, one of the things my hubby and I found the most valuable to us was the baby monitor. There was the base unit for baby's room, and two parent units (great if you have upstairs AND downstairs). There was also a sensor pad that could be placed under the mattress, and if no movement was detected for a certain amount of time, an alarm would sound. Wonderful item for some piece of mind. I also loved our wipe warmer. Some people scoff and just say to warm the wipe in your hands, but my hands are always cold, and those warm wipes sure felt nice. : )
Congrats on your twins, btw- SO awesome!

Jackie B said...

I'd love the chance to win the Spellbinders Fleur de lis die. Best Wishes on the baby.

Heather said...

I Love your blog. It's always so inspiring. Thanks for giving your followers a chance to win cool supplies.

Emilou said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win something. I love stamps and ink pads. Best to you on your new family members.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I spy some fabulous Hero Arts ink pads that I'd love. Baby showers... depending on your child, the item that was used the most in our house was the infant front pack, either a Baby Bjorn or an Ergo or a sling, you pick one or maybe two and then you'll have your hands free to craft while the little one sleeps sounds attached to you.

PJ said...

The paper and twine catch my eye! Sorry but I can't help much in the baby need ideas... but I do wish you and your hubby all the best as your family grows! What an exciting time for you both!

stamp500 said...

A baby monitor is essential!

Darlene G said...

Someone once said......"All you need is love....." and your card is beautiful. Thanks for all the blog candy chance too.

Kris Turner said...

Julee - this is just great! Love this Spellbinders set. For baby things, my favorites were the monitor and a hand-held tape recorder. I taped my daughters for several years and love, love, love to hear the baby coos, the little songs they made up in the tub, their questions as they got older.... So many wonderful memories as they grew up (now 30 and 26!) can be stored there. Or, you can really embarrass them with their friends/spouses/kids!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy.

Unknown said...

Amazing blog candy!

For registering, remember the simple things, like crib bed sheets and baby soap/lotion/powder sets. You'll always get a girl (like me!) who goes for the more practical gifts!

Misti said...

Gorgeous card! That is an amazing amount of goodies!!! WOWZA!!!

Ideas for babies... you can't have enough diapers & a good stroller/car seat combo was a must have!

Vic said...

The flowers definitely catch my eye! What girl doesn't like flowers? I love making cards with flowers! Thanks for the chance to win such a great package!

Heather said...

Julee, loved that card the first time around and I still do. The spellbinders fleur de lis accents die are definitely on top of my wish list.
Baby stuff: As a mother of three-year old twins, I do have some advice: the double stroller got used a lot. Someone allready mentioned getting one with front and back seats vs. side by side. They are longer, but do fit through doorways and shopping aisles much better. Get car seats that have handles and snap into bases that are left in the car. So, nice when the babies are sleeping (actually, we used them specifically for sleeping sometimes), and you will be lugging two of them around at the same time. LOTS of onseis and sleepers. For the first month at least we went through two or three (sometimes per baby) sets in a night. Diapers, diapers and diapers; you'll go through 20-30 a day at least, in the beginning. You definitely do not need two of everything like a swing, exersaucer, bouncy seats. They can share and you will want to rotate "stations" anyway. And the most important thing is a book titled "Babywise" by Gary Enzo. It was the best thing anyone gave us (think sleeping through the night by 4 months, yes even with twins). Best wishes for you with the additions to your family.

Judy G said...

OK--AWESOME STUFF! Thanks for the chance to win. judygude@msn.com

kwscraps said...

What beautiful cards!Awesome giveaway too! I would love to try all of it.

Mary-Anne V said...

Love the card and so nice of you to be offering your blog candy! As for baby things.... baby monitor, baby carrier (so your hands are free to do other stuff), backpack for a baby diaper bag (easy to carry and gender neutral) are just some ideas. Thanks for the chance to win some great stuff.

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