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Hope Is the Thing

Hi friends!  Today I've got my second ever art journal page to share with you.  It's one I needed to make after a very rough day.  You know those days when no matter how hard you try to shine, it just feels like the world keeps putting a big snuffer over your teeny little spark of hope?  Yep, it was one of THOSE days.  And I needed to make sure that spark of hope stayed strong, so I hit the studio with some paint, ink, stencils, a magazine clipping and the Hope Perches Plain Jane.

It's amazing how therapeutic creating can be.  I felt that these forces of light and darkness were warring within me, and wanted to show that struggle within the colors, so focused on a predominantly light, uplifting green and blue combo, with a patch of dark blue India ink over on the left side.  I also wanted to show the rise of hope within, so I added some vine stenciling up the side of the page, with patches of hope (stamped onto a vintage book page) spread all around.  Isn't the stenciling cool?  I've had stencils collecting dust in the closet for years, but always thought they were kind of boring.  Then I recently started watching some videos from Journal Artista, as well as from Christy Tomlinson that made me re-think these little tools and now I'm having SO MUCH FUN playing around with them.  I love rediscovering something I thought was ordinary and finding it was so much more!

Okay, back to the page.  Most importantly, I wanted to show a brightness coming out of the darkness, so added a stencil of a branch in white over the darkest part of the page.  Because even through our darkest times, we grow, and sometimes even FLOURISH.

I came across and E. E. Cummings quote a few weeks ago that has really captivated my thoughts lately.  It goes like this...

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being could fight; and keep fighting."

Isn't that great?  It sums up how I feel and inspires me to keep fighting those voices that keep telling me I need to be something other than exactly who I am.  No pretenses, no excuses.  Just me.  I hope you find a little inspiration today to beat to your own drum and marvel in the wonder that is you!  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Enabler's List:
Stamps:  Hope Perches Plain Jane, Bountiful Backgrounds (Verve Stamps)
Paper: bird and nest image from magazine article, 9 x 10 Sketch Journal, vintage book page
Ink: Coffee Archival Ink (Ranger), Bombay India Inks, Golden heavy body acrylics, Kaisercraft Craft paint, Big Brush PITT pen (Faber Castell)
Accessories: Gesso (ProArt), vine stencil (Prima), branch and flower stencil (Delta), ModPodge


Marisa said...

Love how you have depicted your feelings on this page. Great use of colour and images.

That quote is brilliant, absolutely LOVE it.

When my hope is getting snuffed out I remember who created me just the way I am, who loves me more than anything the world can ever offer, who believes in me, who uses me in the lives of others, who will give me strength to press on, and who calls me His child. (((hugs)))

carole (TruCarMa) said...

Awesome new outlet for you, Julee - it's amazing how many ways there are for us to express ourselves when we're willing to stretch. AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT QUOTE!!! So hoping you'll be making a stamp of it SOON! Hugs, gf!

Jessica said...

This is amazing Julee, beautiful colors and the sentiment is perfect!

Luanne said...

I hope just reading these first few comments, will show you that you're not alone. You have support from your followers, as well as the ONE who supports you the most! Ever hear a song of late called "Blessings" by Laura Story? It is one that is totally encouraging me right now. Hope you get a chance to listen to it! Anyway, I LOVE your page, and not just cause it's full of my favorite colors! It's beautiful.

Susi said...

"Hope for a brighter future ... Hope for a better tomorrow" Never have more truer words been said, and wonderfully represented by your creation, Julee!

renee said...

I love your blog, your thoughts and feeling and growth as a artist are so inspiring..Thank you for sharing your beautiful art work and the process..

Debbie Carriere said...

Julee, this is fantastic! Love the colors, the quote, the process. Sounds like you are having lots of fun art journaling! Love to see this new direction.

Michelle - You Are Glowing said...

I read your first post last week about art journaling and I love the concept! Must try!

Jeanette - said...

Gorgeous and so meaningful! I love the contrast of dark to light and the white branch coming out of the darkness to me completes the hope!! Beautifully done!!

Tanya said...

This is beautiful! I love the whole meaning, the dark to light, the beautiful colors. This looks like so much fun, I love the whole concept, I just don't think I would know where to begin if I started a page. But I am enjoying yours, thanks so much for sharing.

APG Jamie said...

great page and love your reference to Enablers :-p by way of a list

Kimber said...

Beautiful! I love all the greens and that vine stencil is cool!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I love your journal pages. I,too, have been doing some of this. I utilized some of these techniques in a birthday card. it is on my blog. Thanks sharing!

Jen Shults said...

This is beautiful! Iove all the colors and textures. Gorgeous!