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Welcome Kellan & Trevor!

Hi friends!  It's been a little quiet here on the blog, but things have been hopping in life.  After a bit of a scare and a pre-eclampsia diagnosis, I was rushed from my Dr's appointment Friday afternoon {March 9} to the hospital, where I delivered two beautiful baby boys by emergency c-section.

Kellan was born at 8:08 pm, weighing in at 6 pounds 1 ounce and 17 inches long.  His identical twin brother, Trevor, was born at 8:09pm, weighing in at 6 pounds 2.4 ounces and 19.5 inches long.  We're so unbelievably proud of our boys.  Because they were barely 36 weeks, they still have some developing to do, and have been in the NICU since moments after delivery.  Both are still needing assistance breathing, are still on a nutrient IV and are unable to regulate their body temperature as yet.  We're told a lot of this is normal for pre-term babies, but it's still hard seeing them hooked up to all the tubes.  They are getting stronger each day, and it's so heartening to see them looking more comfortable each time we visit.  We are hopeful it will only be another week or 2 before we can bring them home, but they've prepared us that it might be up to 4 weeks.

My road to recovery has been slow.  My spinal for the surgery was extremely difficult, taking over 30 minutes and 3 attempts.  Then due to the pre-eclampsia I was given a 24 hour IV of magnesium to prevent seizures.  Unfortunately the magnesium made me so ill that I was even throwing up the fluids from my IV for the entire 24 hour period.  And after a c-section, vomiting is the LAST thing a person wants to experience, believe me!  But once the magnesium was out of my system, I started feeling better.  So late Saturday night I was finally able to be wheeled down to see my sweet baby boys in the NICU.  There is much pain associated with the failed spinal attempts, as well as the surgery, but I'm on the mend and getting stronger each day, just like my boys.

On Tuesday, Trevor was finally doing well enough that they allowed me to hold my sweet boy for the first time.  And then yesterday, we were given the okay to hold both boys, so Mark held Trevor while I got my first holding session with Kellan.  Talk about little heart stealers... these boys are so precious!  We still haven't seen them side by side, but they look so similar.  Kellan is slightly smaller right now and Trevor has adorable little chipmunk cheeks, but those are the only differences we've noticed so far.  Yesterday they were both starting to open their eyes a bit, and we glimpsed just a bit of Daddy's blues.  Kellan is still on the c-pap mask for breathing, but Trevor has graduated to a nasal canula that pumps oxygen into his nose.  Next step will be room air, which they are hoping he will be able to tolerate in another day or so.

I was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, but we've spent lots of time at the NICU since then visiting Kellan & Trevor.  They're just the sweetest little guys. We'd appreciate your prayers that they will continue to improve and be able to come home with us soon.  Cards are also very welcome to decorate their NICU room.  You can send them to:

Julee Tilman
PO Box 170359
Boise, ID  83717


Allisa said...

Your boys are precious...hope they are able to come home soon!

Marisa said...

Thanks for the pictures, Julee. Just love the one of Mark holding Trevor and you have the "mommy grin" as you look at Keelan :)

I had c-section with my second as he was Frank Breech and 9.4 pounds so not going anywhere. My body does NOT like anesthetic so I puked for 24 hours until it was out of my system so I can relate!

Prayers are with you and the boys so you can all be home as a family soon! Soooo excited for you two!!! Huge cyber (((hug)))!!

Crestajune said...

Oh, Julee! They are just so sweet! Thank you for sharing pictures with us. Sending prayers your way right now.

Renate said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby boys! <3 Best wishes for you and your family. XO

Nancy L. said...

congrats!! hoping and praying that they both will be stronger soon!! they are just adorable!!! god bless your new family!

Joanne Travis said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby boys, Julee. A double blessing!

Jodi Collins said...

Julee! Congratulations to you and your hubby! They are SO beautiful and I could not be more thrilled for you!!! Sending hugs and prayers that they will be home soon!!!

Emma said...

HUGE Congrats Julee!!! You must be so relieved they are here and doing well!! Speaking from much experience, the c-section thing, and the complications will get easier -just take it slow and make sure you heal too!! Enjoy your sweet bundles and even every sleepless minute!! :)

Heidi said...

Julee- I was so excited to see these photos today. I am sorry to hear it was not a smooth and relaxing situation (birth) but oh boy, those little guys are beautiful. Congrats and so glad you got to hold them.

Will love to see further photos over the future. :)

MelissaS said...

how precious!! Congratulations to you all. Make sure you take the time to heal yourself while they are being so well cared for in the NICU!

I had eclampsia with my first and ended up in ICU on magnesium, too. Nasty stuff! I had double vision until it was out of my system. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a quick road to strong healthy boys!

Jonelle said...

Mark and Julee, the boys are beautiful. Thank you so much for the update.

I'm glad to hear that they are getting stronger each day. I'm sorry Michael and I can't be there to help you. Just know that we are continuing to pray for you all.

Can't wait to meet them in July.

Kim O'Connell said...

WOW!!!! Congratualtions on not one, but TWO bundles of joy! welcome to parenthood....the most rewarding job you will ever have!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Congratulations Julee! Oh the boys are so sweet! I had twin boys at 35 weeks - 12 years ago! My how time flies! Enjoy every moment. I will keep all of you in my prayers. hugs, Stephanie

Maureen said...

oh, Julee, I have tears in my eyes after reading this :) I know that feeling of holding your baby(ies) for the first time and know what a special joy it is :) The looks on your and Mark's faces tell it all :) My sister's twins were born 2 months early and were in the hospital for about a month, then on monitors at home...but now are vibrant, healthy 10 year olds! It's hard waiting, but will be so worth giving them the extra attention now :) God bless you all...HUGS from Auntie Diva Moe!!

Jen Tapler said...

So precious Julee! Congratulations to you and Mark! Sending you all wishes for a speedy recovery and tons of Aloha!

Tricia said...

I am so thankful that you are ok and that your sweet boys are here!! Those spinals are no fun. I'm so sorry! Take it easy for awhile. It seems to take awhile for the anesthesia to get out of your system, not to mention everything else they pumped into you!

Isn't it wonderful, though, how those little babies are wrapped around your heart already? You wonder if your love can stretch beyond your husband to include them, and then you find it has multiplied. You don't love him any less, but there is room for them, too, and it makes the love you share with your husband even sweeter.

Take it easy now -- even when you start to feel better!! Hugs and prayers for all of you!!


Mary Marsh said...

I was teary eyed (joyful) looking at the photos of the boys and you and your hubby-a big congrats to you both from PA and I am praying as well.

Ravengirl said...

I'm so glad to see today's post and to hear that your boys are growing stronger each day! I know the pain of watching your little one hooked up while you stand by. My daughter (while just a single and two weeks later than your boys) had an infection and then jaundice to deal with. She was in the hospital for 6 days after she was born. I couldn't bring myself to leave the hospital while she was there. The hospital allowed me to stay with her. Then the pictures of her all hooked up made me cry, but now those are some of the most precious pictures I have. They tug something fierce at my heartstrings!

I'll pray for your boys and for your healing as well!


Ally said...

Congratulations!!! :-D

I don't know how you were able to get pictures up on your blog so quickly - you are a WonderWoman! ;-)

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well, considering what a monumental task and time it is giving birth to twins (I know!). Best wishes to you all for the next little while, recovering and getting adjusted to your new life with twins. This is all bringing tears to my eyes, as I recall those special times with our twins.

Yay for you all!!! Thanks so much for keeping us updated. God's blessings on you, and Best Wishes! ;-)

Germaine Ferrao -Lenn said...

Congratulations Julie, and sending you and your little family hoads of prayers and you will be together soon! Hugs always! G

Shawna said...

I am so glad you are feeling better and the boys are getting stronger each day! They will be running circles around you and Mark before you know it. :)

Thank you for sharing your story so we can all share in your joy and these two miracles! You all are in our thoughts and prayers!

All our love,

Shawna & Family

Radha said...

Dearest Julee!!
God has blessed you with art-Tallents... now with 2 angels!! Not one but 2... how sweet is that... wishing u and your hubby the best ever... may God keep blessing you all Fam and friends... You are an Amazing lady, I love your work... Blessings:))

Vicki Dutcher said...

Prayers are being said for full recovery for all of you! What challenge YOU had -3 attempts oh my goodness! Your boys are a fabulous weight for twins and that will help them recover even faster. Again congrats on your 2 precious bundles! Great photos and thanks for sharing!

Rachel B said...

Congratulations! I am glad that they are doing so well. My SIL had twins at 30 weeks and they were only 3.1 and 3.6 so your little men sound like giants compared to what these were! I hope that everything goes smoothly from here on out and they get out of the NICU quickly. (my SIL's had a hard time sleeping without all the machine noise once they finally got out!) Good luck!

Lorie M aka MelodyGal said...

Congratulations, Mark and Julee, and a BIG WELCOME to your precious sons, Kellan and Trevor. I hope you recover quickly and get to bring your precious babies home soon. Hugs to all and hugs and kisses to the twins. --Lorie McMullen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best of luck. I had 2 c sections so know the recovery time with that. I was closely monitored for my first child due to pre-eclampsia. My second child was also premature and in NICU - the hardest part was leaving him in the hospital when I came home! But it does give you a bit of time to rest up! The boys are beautiful and true miracles! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you face the days ahead. You are truly blessed!!

StampOwl said...

Congratulations to you and your hubby on the birth of your twin boys.

scrappingnana said...

Congratulations. They are so precious. Sorry for all the problems you had but pray everything is better real soon and that the boys will continue to improve and get to come home with you soon.
Will keep you in my prayers.

Teresa Kline said...

oh Julee, I am crying! You and Mark will be the perfect parents, I am so very happy for you! You are all in my prayers....I so wish I could hold your sweet boys, give them a hug from auntie diva Teresa!

enjoy *~*

Marla said...

Congrats Julie. It sounds like it was a very scary experience and painful but I am glad you are doing well and the babies are getting stronger. It will be fun to see more photos as they grow!! Take care and keep up your strength!!!

Wanda Cullen said...

What a wonderful surprise in my inbox to see your post and pics! The love is just radiating from yours and Mark's faces...what precious little blessings and I love their names! Hugs and prayers going out to all of you!

Susi said...

Julee - there is nothing - NOTHING - harder for a new mom than to be separated from her newborn baby/babies. Both boys were born at a healthy weight so it's only a matter of time until you can bring them home. My first Granddaughter was also born on March 9th, and now I know what it means when I read the words that having children - or grandchildren - is like having your heart walk around outside your body. A huge congrats and many wishes for a speedy recovery to you & your much loved sons. Hugs & best wishes!

Rhonda said...

Wow!! Beautiful little guys! Hope they get big and strong fast. You will be chasing them before you know it.

Basement Stamper said...

Congratulations to the two of you on the birthday of your beautiful boys. Rest up and take care of yourself. Try not to overdo it so that you will be all ready when those boys come home. Will be thinking of you all and the boys and hoping they are able to come home with you all soon.

MarvA1ix said...

Julee and Mark
Congrats on your two little blessings. Take care of those sweet angels, but take care of yourself. You have alot ahead of you, and following a c'section, you have alot to recover from. Enjoy the trip, best one of your life.

Nancy said...

So precious Julee! Congratulations to you and Mark! Sending you all wishes for a speedy recovery and having the boys home with you soon! Thanks so much for letting us here about your journey!

Denise Willerton said...

Praying for you and those precious boys!

Unknown said...

Congrats to you and your family Julee - as an auntie to two premies I know a little bit of what you're feeling - your boys will be home with you in no time! They Are so sweet :)

Melissa said...

Congrats to you and your hubby! Your babies are such precious gifts. I am so sorry to hear that you had pre-eclampsia...it is the pits! I had it 25 years ago and had that awful mag sulfate as well. One would think they would have found a better alternative by now. I wish your babies the continued strength they need to breath on their own and hurry home to their momma's loving arms.

Karen Day said...

What a gorgeous family! Huge congratulations to all of you :o)

Naomi said...

WOW! Congratulations on two GORGEOUS baby boys! I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate circumstances but, I am just glad they are doing well and that you are ok, too. I hope that they are strong enough to go home SOON and I wish you a speedy recovery, too, so you can just enjoy being a mommy!


Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Oh my goodness, Julee they are absolutely beautiful! What precious little boys!! Don't you just LOVE when they start peeping their eyes open? So, so sweet. Keeping you all in my prayers!! HUGS!

Betty Wright said...

Congratulations, Julee and Mark! WOW! Such sweet pics! Keeping you all in my prayers! The boys look so very precious! I see some very proud parents!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Congratulations on the safe delivery of your two baby boys, hope everything continues to progress well and you can all be together soon.

KimCreate said...

wow, you have been through the wringer, you poor thing, The boys are precious. I hope you will be feeling well soon and the boys will come home'

Amy Sheffer said...

Julee, these sweet photos bring tears to my eyes! Congratulations to you and Mark and a huge welcome to Kellan and Trevor! I hope you'll soon get to take your babies home and get settled in to your new normal! I'm sure the delivery and recovery have been tough, and waiting for the babies to get strong enough to go home must feel like an eternity. Hang in there! Much love to you all!

Papercraft Cafe said...

Congrats and blessings to your little family. The boys are adorable. I know you're anxious to get them home, but take advantage of the time to get your strength back...you'll need it soon enough!

scrapsnsuch@gmail.com said...

Sending smiles, and welcome wishes your way! What precious little boys. I will keep you all in my thoughts.

Vickie Z said...

Ohhh Julee, they are adorable and looks like proud mamma and papa!! Prayers to you and your boys!!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Congratulations!! Wishing you and your husband the very best in this new adventure. Will add you all to a little prayer list so things will go well and that there is an easy transition. Thanks for sharing the great pictures, rest and truly enjoy each precious moment.

Mekyta said...


Tonniece said...

Congrats to you all. They are so beautiful. Sending you all prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.

Tonniece said...

Congrats to you all. They are so beautiful. Sending you all prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.

April Diva said...

Congratulations to you both on the birth of your precious twin boys. Warm wishes for your recovery, hugs, Pauline x

Unknown said...

Hi Julee & Mark,
Congratulations on the birth of your sons and way to go MOM! The fact that you got the twins to 36 weeks is awesome and I am praying for the boys to flourish and come home soon and that your body will mend as well. C-sections are no fun and I can't imagine being sick for 24 hours, so sorry.
You guys are naturals and thanks so much for sharing pictures with us!
May God Bless the Tilman Family, now and always.
Big Hugs,
Lisa S.

Patti Willey said...

Congratulations! I'm sorry you were sick and needed to delivery early! Hang in there! And recover well, you'll soon have your babies home & enjoy your family forever! Blessings times two!

Susan said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!! I'll be saying prayers that they get to come home soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Tosha Leyendekker said...

Oh Julee!! What precious, precious boys!! Thank you so much for sharing the photos. I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this and have to wait to take them home. That has to be so hard!! I will definitely continue to keep ya'll in my prayers!! Huge hugs my friend!!!

Sian Ridley said...

Aaah, how exciting! You should be so proud :)

I hope you are feeling better :) your little ones will be just fine, give them a little while to acclimatise to the outside world and in a few months I'm sure it'll be hard to believe they were ever so tiny and delicate!

Enjoy being parents, I'm sure you'll do an excellent job :)

Much love from over the pond,
Sian :)

Dawn Easton said...

Oh Julee the boys are precious!!! Love the photo of you and Mark with them. I can only imagine how tough it is right now but I'm happy to hear that all three of you are getting stronger each day!! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!!!!! Sending big hugs and lots of prayers to you all!

Elaine said...

Congratulations on your bundles of joy! Praying for their health and strength so you and hubby can bring them home soon!

Janelle Stollfus said...

Oh how precious, Julee! They are sweeter than pie! Welcome little Tilman boys!

Linda Callahan said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby boys! So glad to hear every day you are all growing stronger! Wishing you much love and happiness with all of those boys in your house :)

April said...

Hugs to you all! The pictures are too precious! The boys will be home before you know it......and life will get even crazier!


Stacy Morgan said...

Oh did reading this just touch my heart and bring back memories of 10 years ago when our twins were born. Very similar stories and they are a pound more than each of our twin boys. Oh what a blessing they are. Enjoy every moment with them and congrats to your wonderful new family!

Giovana said...

Congratulations Julee!! Your boys are precious! Keeping you and your boys in my prayers. God bless!!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Oh, they are precious!!!! Gosh, you had some big boys!! That is gonna help them be strong soon!! I love their names! I'll pray they get to go home soon! Also, I am so sorry that you had such a hard time in delivery! Poor mama!

Karenliz Henderson said...

Congratulations! They are beautiful. Its amazing how strong they get each day. My daughter was born at 31 weeks, 3 lbs. 1oz., on October 31 but born at 3:25. I guess she truly wanted Halloween for a birthday! Now that you can hold them they will be home so fast! It's amazing what a parents touch can do! Good luck!

Janine said...

I was early and only 3lb 10oz but 55 years later I am still going strong! Hope you will be home as a family soon but in the meantime heal and rest! Congratulations to you all.

Gayle Wheeler said...

Congrats, Julie! Hugs and best wishes for all of you.

Deborah Frings said...

Congratulations to you both on the arrival of your beautiful boys! The photos are really lovely. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the c-section. And I hope you and all your family are home soon. Make sure you say YES to any offers of help. Hugs xx

Unknown said...

Oh Julee they are gorgeous, my eldest was born at 34 weeks, and was without the sucking reflex, but she soon had her breathing sorting and she was in special care (NICU) for just four weeks so your little guys will do brilliantly, they are so cute, congratulations to you and your husband :) x

bjmartin said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your new sons! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope that you are able to bring the boys home soon!