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Bald is Beautiful

Hi friends! Today I'm popping in with a quick little card I made with the new Girl Power 2 stamp set from Sweet 'n Sassy. As soon as I saw the bald head in this set, I knew exactly the card I wanted to make with it.

I started by stamping the girl in intense black ink and then masked her off and used an old Pink Paislee doily stencil to blend some spun sugar, worn lipstick, picked raspberry and tumbled glass distress oxides to make the background, spritzing a little water on and lifting off with a paper towel to get the splatter effect. I then pulled off the mask and colored my girl with Copic markers.

Next I pulled out the new Typewriter Block Alpha and the previously released Bitty Minnie Alpha to create the sentiment. I matted it in black to make it pop and chose not to embellish because the statement is powerful enough.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you have a fabulously creative day!

If you're in the mood to do a little shopping, I have a little promo for you. Use code JULEE10 to save 10% off any order over $10 in the Sweet 'n Sassy shop!

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1 comment

Hetty said...

This is so beautiful and strong, Julee.