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Mojo Monday Week #48

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope y'all had a fabulous week and are ready to kickstart another one. This week's card sketch is one that I think is pretty flexible. I haven't got to play yet, but I can picture a really pretty white card base with a splash of color and some simple stamping, as well as a card with more intricate matting and some fun patterned paper. If you don't have scallops or circles, feel free to get creative and see what you can come up with.

So to play along, just make a card using the provided sketch and leave a comment on this post with a link to a photo of your creation. There is no time limit - you can play any week at any time, but to be included in the slideshow next Monday, I need your link by Sunday at 8 PM Mountain time (6 PM ET). If you happen to upload to SCS, please use keyword Mojo48 so we can see everyone's mojoliciousness all in one happy place.

Okay, have fun! Hope you enjoy this week's sketch. Before you leave, be sure to check out all of last week's mojolicious entries in the slideshow below.

NOTE: If you get a message that says no photos found, please hit the refresh button on your browser or the F5 function key on your keyboard, and hopefully it will reload with the pictures!


Murielle said...

This is my participation for the challenge.
Thank you for this sketch marvellous Julee.

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Awesome sketch...I hope to find time to play!

There She Goes Clear Stamps said...

another awesome sketch Julee, thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome sketch!! Maybe I can find some time later!! Love the slide show!! ;)

Sarah Green said...

here is mine

Anonymous said...

merci pour ce sketch
voici ma carte

Dori Shelton said...

Am going to try to play a bit later in the week. Check out my blog if you get a chance. I am passing the "Brillante Weblog" award on to you!

CornflowerBlues said...

I've never played before, but this sketch has just inspired me! And the cards from last time are all so beautiful :-) I'll post my creation later *

Kimberly said...

Another great sketch!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration. Here's mine: http://sunshinydayswithkim.blogspot.com/2008/07/skys-limit.html

There She Goes Clear Stamps said...

Here are my cards Julee!


SCS gallery-

Jennifer Meyer said...

Hi Julee :) Hope you had a wonderful Birthday & DH is feeling better! :)

Thanks so much for your super sweet comment on Inspirational, it ment a lot to me! :)

LOVE the fun sketch, as you know I can't wait to play.

Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer :)

Jennifer Meyer said...

OMG I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful the samples all are from last weeks sketch!

Sorry :)

Anonymous said...

I could use this sketch again, for sure! Here's mine: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/999404?cat=500&ppuser=108659

Anonymous said...

My first Mojo Monday submission!


Thanks for looking.

Anonymous said...

Great sketch Julee! Thank you!


Maggie said...

Card of firsts....1st Verve card, 1st MojoMonday card....keep those sketches coming--they're great, thank you!


Dawn Easton said...

Fabulous sketch Julee! I'm playing catch up tonight as I had a migraine most of the day. Hope to get to this tomorrow!

Tina said...

Hey Julee.
Love this layout.
Thanks for sharing it!


Anonymous said...

here is mine:


Neva said...

This sketch was fun to play with Julee, here is mine: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/999971?cat=12243

dj said...

here is my card for this weeks mojo challenge:

Erica Payne said...

Great sketch, as always! I've got one for you here:

Michelle B. AKA JustPaintingAround said...

Another great sketch! Thanks! Here's mine:


Anonymous said...

You have the greatest mojo sketch ideas! I've lurked and admired but never participated so here's my first attempt:http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/1000113?cat=500&ppuser=38399

Anonymous said...

Here's mine Julee, thanks!

Anne said...

Here's mine! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sketch, Julee! Here's mine. I hope this isn't a duplicate post--we're having internet issues! Sue (suen)


Unknown said...

Hi Julee!! I haven't played in forever!! So glad I had time this week - thanks for the great sketch! :)

Mojo Monday #48

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great sketch Julee!! Your card is gorgeous!!
Here's mine


Anonymous said...

Thanks for another fabulous sketch, Julee. Here's my take:


Anonymous said...

Super awesome Sketch - Julee!!!
Hope you had a wonderful b-day???

Here is my card in the gallery


and on my blog:


Kirsten said...

What a great sketch. Today is my first time visiting your blog and participating the mojo monday sketch. Here is my creation


Enjoli said...

I ♥ this sketch! Here is my card:


Have a great day! =)

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this sketch - can't wait to try it again. Thanks for the inspiration.


Anonymous said...

OOps...forgot the link to my card -sorry - it's on SCS, not my blog (yet!)



Suzanne said...

Great sketches. This is my first try with using one of them. Thanks a bunch.


Sarah Green said...

I had to do another!!!!

Laurel said...

Another great sketch. Here is my card:


Tess said...

I just found your blog the other day and could not wait to try this sketch.

Here's mine:

Carol said...

This was fun!
Check my blog for my card:

Anonymous said...

I really liked this weeks sketch Julee. I had to make two!


Liz's Lovelies said...

here's my card using your sketch

Elizabeth said...

Here is my card for this week's sketch: http://stampinelizabeth.blogspot.com/2008/07/mojo-birthday.html

Mauna said...

Here is my 1st mojo card. Thanks Julee...great sketch!

Janette said...

great sketch Julee, here is mine:


Marie said...

Fun Sketch! Check what I did with mine:


Kathryn said...

WOW -- what a great site - I'm a newbie!! Love the Mojo Monday sketch..
Here is my take:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great sketch Julee. Here's my:
Saffron Butterfly Mojo

Andrea said...

Finally getting a chance to try your sketch challenges again! Missed them! Hopefully I can continue to find some spare time to do more. Here is what I did:

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Such a splendid sketch.


nap time stamper said...

This was my first Mojo Monday sketch to try. Love all of them!! Here is my card: http://tanyaroberts.blogspot.com/

Sarah Gough said...

I LOVE your sketches Julee! As I type my printer is spitting out pages from your PDF - what a FANTASTIC resource! I can't wait to do them all with Verve stamps!

Here's my card for this week:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it has taken me 48 weeks to join in. How sad is that?!? Better late than never thought. Here's my card:


This was a fun sketch!!

Unknown said...

YAY! i made it in time this week! loved the sketch julee! thanks:

Tenia Nelson said...

What a fun sketch!! Here is my card!!
Thanks for looking!!!


Leigh Ann Baird said...

My first Mojo sketch!


Anonymous said...

FUN SKETCH JULEE!!! Glad I got to play along again...FINALLY! Hugs-Jd


Dawn Easton said...

Fun sketch Julee! Thanks!
Here is mine on SCS:

Kim said...

Hi Julee! I played. It's been awhile since I did an MM sketch. This one was perfect for some papers I bought yesterday. Thanks for the many great sketches you create!

Here's my card.

Sankari W. said...

I loved this sketch - I didn't have much time to play - because we are leaving on a road trip for a week - but I COULDN"T go without getting my Mojo on!!! You can find my card here:



Tanya said...

Thanks so much! Here's my take: http://tanyastampsnthings.blogspot.com/2008/07/two-challenges-two-postings.html

Rachel Brumley said...

Here's my card:

Great sketch! Thanks

Anonymous said...

this is my first time participating in a blog sketch and post - thanks for the challenge!

Cindy Loven said...

played today...


Anonymous said...

This is my try at one of your sketches. Had some trouble with the colors but I think it ended up ok. Let me know what you think!


Nancy Riley said...

Another terrific sketch! Thanks Julee!

Here's mine ...


froebelsternchen said...

This is an organizer for adresses and birthsdays..I made with this wonderful Sketch.

here to see

hugs Susan

Anonymous said...

I am late this week but managed to get this done.

Fantastic sketch as always.

Here's my creation

Anonymous said...

This is my card Thank for the challenge !!!!


Lorie said...

I got a chance to play this week! I love this sketch too! :o)


Chrissy said...

Here's my version! http://cmhdesigns.blogspot.com/2008/08/mojo48.html

Lisa M. (aka. Lisa @ Farm Fresh) said...

Hey Julee! Here is my rendition!


Dani said...

I love this sketch, love it!
Here is mine-


Tammy said...

I realy like this sketch.
Here's my attempt.

Denise said...

Hi Julee, thanks for another great sketch!! Here's mine


Have a great week end!

Anonymous said...

Wow! A great challenge! I've already made three cards with it.

Here's mine: http://inkyrubber.typepad.com/inkyrubber/2008/08/mojo-monday-48.html

Deanne Clarke said...

Awesome sketch!!! My card can be seen here-->


Lynette said...

Thanks for another great sketch, Julee! Here is my card: http://mystampingaddiction.blogspot.com/2008/08/mojo-monday-sketch-on-saturday.html

Jodi said...

Here is my first try at Mojo Mondays!

Kathie Bailey said...

Hi Julee,

Here's my card for this week.

Simply the Best


femke said...

heey julee,

I love the sketch again. here is my entry of this weeks challenge. thank you for the beautiful sketch. it was fun making a card with it.

greetings femke

Nancy said...

I can't believe I actually completed a challenge while it was still active GO ME!! LOL


Melissa Stinson said...

I hope I'm not too late!!

Here is my take on the sketch- http://scrappyjedi.blogspot.com/2008/08/poetic-artistry-sketch-week-48.html.

Thank you for the sketch! This is my first time to participate. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great sketch. Here is my card.

Elizabeth said...

Here another one I did for this sketch: http://stampinelizabeth.blogspot.com/2008/08/mojo-ctd4.html

Mandalika said...

I was really slow this week (by 8 days! LOL) but here is my card:


It was such a great sketch I had to have a go!

Dana (Tigger) said...

Thank you for all your wonderful sketches, Julee.

This is my try for this week:


Greetings, DANA

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

I know I'm not current, but here's mine from a couple weeks ago. Another fantastic sketch Julee, THANKS for the kick-start!
