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A Humbling Blogthing

I don't often post these little quizzes, but this one was kind of fun. I thought I could at least easily name 64 colors in 5 minutes, but I guess it's been a few decades since I memorized the crayola box and I'm a little "rust"y! LOL! If you take the quiz, be sure and leave a comment to let me know how you did! :)



Bethany Paull said...

Let's just say you did better than me and leave it at that. But while I was there, something made me click on the quiz about How many five year olds could you take in a fight. Sounds absolutely bizarre, so I have no idea why I did it. But I have quite possibly NEVER laughed so hard in my life. The tears were absolutely streaming down my face. But maybe it's just my wacked sense of humor.

Sharon in NE said...

Okay, I admit, I was too busy smelling the colors...I don't know why. I just like the smell of colors. Anyway, I don't remember any color names except silver. Which was my favorite color anyway because nobody else liked it. BUT, and I am proud of this: I could take on 15 - 5 year olds in a fight. tee hee

Bobbi G said...

OK...24 colors and 10 kids in a fight...man, I'm a looser! Big L on my forehead! And I didn't remember silver or gold...That really makes me a major LOOSER! How can a girl not remember those! Ahh...such pressure!

Anonymous said...

You must have an amazing memory. I came up with 37 then read all the colors (yes to cheat) played again and still only came up with 40. Even cheating you kicked my butt. Very fun site though, thanks!

Kimberly said...

Man my brain hurts and I'm dizzy from scanning the room like a mad woman there towards the end. This was fun. I've always loved to color and it was neat to see how many I remembered. Of course then I slapped myself when I saw the easy ones that I missed. I ended up getting 56. Not to shabby. TFS!

Anonymous said...

OK here is the GODS HONEST truth of my score(s).....i was only able to name ONE color .....RED....but I can take 17 5 year olds in a fight!! ROTFLMBO!! HHmmm....maybe living on a street w/ 10 neighborhood kids will payoff someday!! ahahahahha

Thanks for the laugph!! Guess I'll go read some crayons in my spare time today!!!!

Squirrelly shirley

**** April **** said...

Wow, that was hard! I got 38 but there were honestly a few that I remember as a kid that weren't counted! (CHEATERS!) :)